Lawyer Alexander Nyheim Jenssen

Alexander Nyheim Jenssen

ns 8401-advokat-lawyer-advokat-lawyer-advokat-lawyer-advokat Lawyer Oslo

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Advokatfirmaet SjødinMeling AS 16 lawyers

Alexander Nyheim Jenssen is a lawyer in Oslo and works for Advokatfirmaet SjødinMeling AS. The company has 16 lawyers registered with the Norwegian Supervisory Council For Legal Practice. On Advokatguiden Alexander Nyheim Jenssen has 2 reviews and an average score of 5.0. Last month, this profile had 33 pageviews. Read lawyer Alexander Nyheim Jenssen's reviews here .

Fred Olsens gate 5, 0152 Oslo
138 most popular in Oslo
Licensed since 2019

Alexander Nyheim Jenssen is a lawyer in Oslo and works for Advokatfirmaet SjødinMeling AS. The company has 16 lawyers registered with the Norwegian Supervisory Council For Legal Practice. On Advokatguiden Alexander Nyheim Jenssen has 2 reviews and an average score of 5.0. Last month, this profile had 33 pageviews. Read lawyer Alexander Nyheim Jenssen's reviews here .

Fred Olsens gate 5, 0152 Oslo
138 most popular in Oslo
Licensed since 2019
2 reviews

Dette er advokat med stor A. Her har du en dediktert, dyktig og veldig kunnskapsrik person, med en genuin interesse av å hjelpe deg. Alexander N.Jensen er etter min mening helt i toppsjiktet, og lett...

Han er en unik forsvarer. End of speech fra min side. Rett og slett gjennomført dyktig.

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Lawyer Jens Johan Hjort

Jens Johan Hjort

ns 8401-advokat-lawyer-advokat-lawyer-advokat-lawyer-advokat Lawyer Tromsø

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Advokatfirmaet Rekve, Pleym & Co DA 10 lawyers

Jens Johan Hjort is a lawyer in Tromsø and works for Advokatfirmaet Rekve, Pleym & Co DA. The company has 10 lawyers registered with the Norwegian Supervisory Council For Legal Practice. On Advokatguiden Jens Johan Hjort has 1 reviews and an average score of 5.0. Last month, this profile had 30 pageviews. Read lawyer Jens Johan Hjort's reviews here .

Grønnegt. 76, 9008 Troms Og Finnmark
9 most popular in Tromsø
Licensed since 1996

Jens Johan Hjort is a lawyer in Tromsø and works for Advokatfirmaet Rekve, Pleym & Co DA. The company has 10 lawyers registered with the Norwegian Supervisory Council For Legal Practice. On Advokatguiden Jens Johan Hjort has 1 reviews and an average score of 5.0. Last month, this profile had 30 pageviews. Read lawyer Jens Johan Hjort's reviews here .

Grønnegt. 76, 9008 Troms Og Finnmark
9 most popular in Tromsø
Licensed since 1996
1 review

For det første sikret Hjort full seier i en oppsigelsessak for domstolene grunnet grundig og god prosess. For det annet bidro han med sjelden god og klar rådgiving i og strukturering av en nedbemanni...

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Lawyer Lise Marthine Jensen

Lise Marthine Jensen

ns 8401-advokat-lawyer-advokat-lawyer-advokat-lawyer-advokat Lawyer Narvik

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Advokatfirmaet Anker AS 5 lawyers

Lise Marthine Jensen is a lawyer in Narvik and works for Advokatfirmaet Anker AS. The company has 5 lawyers registered with the Norwegian Supervisory Council For Legal Practice. On Advokatguiden Lise Marthine Jensen has 1 reviews and an average score of 5.0. Last month, this profile had 33 pageviews. Read lawyer Lise Marthine Jensen's reviews here .

Kongensgt. 52/54, 8514 Nordland
1 most popular in Narvik

Lise Marthine Jensen is a lawyer in Narvik and works for Advokatfirmaet Anker AS. The company has 5 lawyers registered with the Norwegian Supervisory Council For Legal Practice. On Advokatguiden Lise Marthine Jensen has 1 reviews and an average score of 5.0. Last month, this profile had 33 pageviews. Read lawyer Lise Marthine Jensen's reviews here .

Kongensgt. 52/54, 8514 Nordland
1 most popular in Narvik
1 review

Hun er en veldig dyktig advokat. Jeg anbefaler henne på det sterkeste. Har ingen negative ting å si

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Lawyer Anders Hansson

Anders Hansson

ns 8401-advokat-lawyer-advokat-lawyer-advokat-lawyer-advokat Lawyer Kristiansand

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Sørlandsadvokatene DA 13 lawyers

Anders Hansson is a lawyer in Kristiansand and works for Sørlandsadvokatene DA. The company has 13 lawyers registered with the Norwegian Supervisory Council For Legal Practice. On Advokatguiden Anders Hansson has 1 reviews and an average score of 5.0. Last month, this profile had 7 pageviews. Read lawyer Anders Hansson's reviews here .

Østre Strandgt. 29, 4610 Kristiansand
76 most popular in Kristiansand
Licensed since 2017

Anders Hansson is a lawyer in Kristiansand and works for Sørlandsadvokatene DA. The company has 13 lawyers registered with the Norwegian Supervisory Council For Legal Practice. On Advokatguiden Anders Hansson has 1 reviews and an average score of 5.0. Last month, this profile had 7 pageviews. Read lawyer Anders Hansson's reviews here .

Østre Strandgt. 29, 4610 Kristiansand
76 most popular in Kristiansand
Licensed since 2017
1 review

Anders er en meget dyktig advokat, han gir ærlige og faglig gode råd. Han er forståelses full og et godt menneske.

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Associate Marjana Annfinsen

Marjana Annfinsen

ns 8401-advokat-lawyer-advokat-lawyer-advokat-lawyer-advokat Associate Oslo

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Advokatfirmaet Vaghefi AS 2 lawyers

Marjana Annfinsen is a associate in Oslo and works for Advokatfirmaet Vaghefi AS. The company has 2 lawyers registered with the Norwegian Supervisory Council For Legal Practice. On Advokatguiden Marjana Annfinsen has 1 reviews and an average score of 5.0. Last month, this profile had 10 pageviews. Read lawyer Marjana Annfinsen's reviews here .

C.J Hambros Plass 2 C, 0164 OSLO
860 most popular in Oslo

Marjana Annfinsen is a associate in Oslo and works for Advokatfirmaet Vaghefi AS. The company has 2 lawyers registered with the Norwegian Supervisory Council For Legal Practice. On Advokatguiden Marjana Annfinsen has 1 reviews and an average score of 5.0. Last month, this profile had 10 pageviews. Read lawyer Marjana Annfinsen's reviews here .

C.J Hambros Plass 2 C, 0164 OSLO
860 most popular in Oslo
1 review

Utdypende og grundige forklaringer, bra kvalitet på arbeidet, tilgjengelig og svarer kjapt.

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Lawyer Helene Johnsen

Helene Johnsen

ns 8401-advokat-lawyer-advokat-lawyer-advokat-lawyer-advokat Lawyer Tromsø

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Advokatfirmaet Haagensen & Bakkelund AS 4 lawyers

Helene Johnsen is a lawyer in Tromsø and works for Advokatfirmaet Haagensen & Bakkelund AS. The company has 4 lawyers registered with the Norwegian Supervisory Council For Legal Practice. On Advokatguiden Helene Johnsen has 1 reviews and an average score of 5.0. Last month, this profile had 15 pageviews. Read lawyer Helene Johnsen's reviews here .

Haakon Den Gamles gate 5, 9008 Tromsø
25 most popular in Tromsø

Helene Johnsen is a lawyer in Tromsø and works for Advokatfirmaet Haagensen & Bakkelund AS. The company has 4 lawyers registered with the Norwegian Supervisory Council For Legal Practice. On Advokatguiden Helene Johnsen has 1 reviews and an average score of 5.0. Last month, this profile had 15 pageviews. Read lawyer Helene Johnsen's reviews here .

Haakon Den Gamles gate 5, 9008 Tromsø
25 most popular in Tromsø
1 review

God juridisk støtte i fobindelse med oppsigelse pga sykdom. Saken endte med godt økonomisk resultatfor meg, kontra veldig dårlig tilbud fra arbeidsgiver. Raske tilbakemeldinger ved spørsmål. Anbefales...

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Lawyer Stig  Degvold-Jonstad

Stig Degvold-Jonstad

ns 8401-advokat-lawyer-advokat-lawyer-advokat-lawyer-advokat Lawyer Førde

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Advokatfirmaet Tollefsen AS 8 lawyers

Stig Degvold-Jonstad is a lawyer in Førde and works for Advokatfirmaet Tollefsen AS. The company has 8 lawyers registered with the Norwegian Supervisory Council For Legal Practice. On Advokatguiden Stig Degvold-Jonstad has 1 reviews and an average score of 5.0. Last month, this profile had 22 pageviews. Read lawyer Stig Degvold-Jonstad's reviews here .

Fjellvegen 9, 6800 Førde
5 most popular in Førde

Stig Degvold-Jonstad is a lawyer in Førde and works for Advokatfirmaet Tollefsen AS. The company has 8 lawyers registered with the Norwegian Supervisory Council For Legal Practice. On Advokatguiden Stig Degvold-Jonstad has 1 reviews and an average score of 5.0. Last month, this profile had 22 pageviews. Read lawyer Stig Degvold-Jonstad's reviews here .

Fjellvegen 9, 6800 Førde
5 most popular in Førde
1 review

The need to hire a lawyer isn't a happy prospect. But the process has been made relatively smooth by Stig. He has been professional, very responsive, always accessible, and knowledgeable in resolving ...

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Lawyer Vanessa Martinsen

Vanessa Martinsen

ns 8401-advokat-lawyer-advokat-lawyer-advokat-lawyer-advokat Lawyer Kristiansand

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Advokatfirma Wigemyr & Co DA 18 lawyers

Vanessa Martinsen is a lawyer in Kristiansand and works for Advokatfirma Wigemyr & Co DA. The company has 18 lawyers registered with the Norwegian Supervisory Council For Legal Practice. On Advokatguiden Vanessa Martinsen has 8 reviews and an average score of 5.0. Last month, this profile had 25 pageviews. Read lawyer Vanessa Martinsen's reviews here .

Rådhusgaten 3,Handelens Hus, 4611 Agder
15 most popular in Kristiansand

Vanessa Martinsen is a lawyer in Kristiansand and works for Advokatfirma Wigemyr & Co DA. The company has 18 lawyers registered with the Norwegian Supervisory Council For Legal Practice. On Advokatguiden Vanessa Martinsen has 8 reviews and an average score of 5.0. Last month, this profile had 25 pageviews. Read lawyer Vanessa Martinsen's reviews here .

Rådhusgaten 3,Handelens Hus, 4611 Agder
15 most popular in Kristiansand
8 reviews

Advokat Vanessa Martinsen er faglig dyktig. Hun kommuniserer lett og tydelig slik at man klarer å forstå hele prosessen. Samtidig som hun er proffesjonell, så kjenner du på en omsorg og et ønske om at...

Jeg havde problemer med tidligere arbeidsgiver om udbetaling af slutt-/ettervederlag, som var aftalt direkte i min arbeidskontrakt. Jeg henvendte mig til Vanessa Martinsen og fik god og kompetent rådg...

Jeg anbefaler Vanessa på det sterkeste! hun gjør en grundig jobb i forkant av møte, hun er ryddig og faglig dyktig! Hun har gitt meg gode råd som jeg vil ta med meg videre.

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Lawyer Pernille  Øversveen Anonsen

Pernille Øversveen Anonsen

ns 8401-advokat-lawyer-advokat-lawyer-advokat-lawyer-advokat Lawyer Oslo

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Advokatfirmaet Legalis AS 35 lawyers

Pernille Øversveen Anonsen is a lawyer in Oslo and works for Advokatfirmaet Legalis AS. The company has 35 lawyers registered with the Norwegian Supervisory Council For Legal Practice. On Advokatguiden Pernille Øversveen Anonsen has 7 reviews and an average score of 5.0. Last month, this profile had 22 pageviews. Read lawyer Pernille Øversveen Anonsen's reviews here .

Universitetsgata 8, 0164 Oslo
219 most popular in Oslo

Pernille Øversveen Anonsen is a lawyer in Oslo and works for Advokatfirmaet Legalis AS. The company has 35 lawyers registered with the Norwegian Supervisory Council For Legal Practice. On Advokatguiden Pernille Øversveen Anonsen has 7 reviews and an average score of 5.0. Last month, this profile had 22 pageviews. Read lawyer Pernille Øversveen Anonsen's reviews here .

Universitetsgata 8, 0164 Oslo
219 most popular in Oslo
7 reviews

Jeg ble anbefalt å bruke Legalis da de har avtale med min fagforening. Noe som viste seg å være ett heldig møte med en dyktig advokat. Det ble en læringsprosess i arveloven for oss, men med god veiled...

Advokat Pernille Øversveen Aanonsen har bistått oss i forbindelse med vår fars bortgang. Jeg har kun positive opplevelser av Pernille i denne prosessen. Hun er ryddig, kommuniserer godt og følger opp...

Pernille er en veldig dyktig advokat og jeg opplevde kun positive erfaring med henne. Jeg kan anbefaler henne til hvem som helst på det varmeste til den som trenger en rutinert, flink og hyggelig advo...

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Lawyer Laila Tatjana Kristjánsson

Laila Tatjana Kristjánsson

ns 8401-advokat-lawyer-advokat-lawyer-advokat-lawyer-advokat Lawyer Trondheim

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Advokatfirmaet Magnus Legal AS 2 lawyers

Laila Tatjana Kristjánsson is a lawyer in Trondheim and works for Advokatfirmaet Magnus Legal AS. The company has 2 lawyers registered with the Norwegian Supervisory Council For Legal Practice. On Advokatguiden Laila Tatjana Kristjánsson has 2 reviews and an average score of 4.8. Last month, this profile had 30 pageviews. Read lawyer Laila Tatjana Kristjánsson's reviews here .

Skonnertvegen 7, 7053 RANHEIM
16 most popular in Trondheim

Laila Tatjana Kristjánsson is a lawyer in Trondheim and works for Advokatfirmaet Magnus Legal AS. The company has 2 lawyers registered with the Norwegian Supervisory Council For Legal Practice. On Advokatguiden Laila Tatjana Kristjánsson has 2 reviews and an average score of 4.8. Last month, this profile had 30 pageviews. Read lawyer Laila Tatjana Kristjánsson's reviews here .

Skonnertvegen 7, 7053 RANHEIM
16 most popular in Trondheim
2 reviews

Laila har vært vår faste forretningsadvokat i 15 år. Hun bistår oss i store og små saker. Hun er effektiv og en dyktig advokat. Jeg kan stille som referanse.

Sammen løste vi saken og vant i Lagmannsretten:-)

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Lawyer Christian Flemmen Johansen

Christian Flemmen Johansen

ns 8401-advokat-lawyer-advokat-lawyer-advokat-lawyer-advokat Lawyer Oslo

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Flemmen & Co Advokatfirma AS 3 lawyers

Christian Flemmen Johansen is a lawyer in Oslo and works for Flemmen & Co Advokatfirma AS. The company has 3 lawyers registered with the Norwegian Supervisory Council For Legal Practice. On Advokatguiden Christian Flemmen Johansen has 3 reviews and an average score of 4.8. Last month, this profile had 35 pageviews. Read lawyer Christian Flemmen Johansen's reviews here .

Oscars gate 30, 0256 Oslo
136 most popular in Oslo

Christian Flemmen Johansen is a lawyer in Oslo and works for Flemmen & Co Advokatfirma AS. The company has 3 lawyers registered with the Norwegian Supervisory Council For Legal Practice. On Advokatguiden Christian Flemmen Johansen has 3 reviews and an average score of 4.8. Last month, this profile had 35 pageviews. Read lawyer Christian Flemmen Johansen's reviews here .

Oscars gate 30, 0256 Oslo
136 most popular in Oslo
3 reviews

Utrolig kompetent og rett på sak advokat. Det er ikke noe vissvass og flotte formuleringer for å vise frem sin kompetanse. Flemmen Johansen snakker og skriver et språk som alle forstår og når han utta...

Det er så mange advokater som farer med blablabla, der de virker å ha et stort behov for å vise frem sitt flotte skriftspråk. Christian Flemmen Johansen gjør grundig arbeid, og han utformer sine skri...

Flemmen er veldig veldig flink

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Lawyer Erle Aas Bjørnstad

Erle Aas Bjørnstad

ns 8401-advokat-lawyer-advokat-lawyer-advokat-lawyer-advokat Lawyer Oslo

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Osloadvokatene AS 31 lawyers

Erle Aas Bjørnstad is a lawyer in Oslo and works for Osloadvokatene AS. The company has 31 lawyers registered with the Norwegian Supervisory Council For Legal Practice. On Advokatguiden Erle Aas Bjørnstad has 4 reviews and an average score of 4.8. Last month, this profile had 3 pageviews. Read lawyer Erle Aas Bjørnstad's reviews here .

Pilestredet 29A, 0166 Oslo
3845 most popular in Oslo

Erle Aas Bjørnstad is a lawyer in Oslo and works for Osloadvokatene AS. The company has 31 lawyers registered with the Norwegian Supervisory Council For Legal Practice. On Advokatguiden Erle Aas Bjørnstad has 4 reviews and an average score of 4.8. Last month, this profile had 3 pageviews. Read lawyer Erle Aas Bjørnstad's reviews here .

Pilestredet 29A, 0166 Oslo
3845 most popular in Oslo
4 reviews

Min erfaring med Erle som bistandsadvokat har vært helt super fra start til slutt. Fikk masse nyttig informasjon og var alltid klar over mine rettigheter, og hvordan bevege meg fram i saken min. Hun...

Utrolig dyktig advokat! Gitt trygghet å har god kunnskap! Hjulpet mye med spørsmål som jeg har sittet med angående prosessen av anmeldelse, avhør og rettssak! Føler meg veldig trygg for eventuelt en r...

Kompetanserik advokat. Har kunnskap og er veldig nøye. Hun er organisert og tilgjengelig. Hun forklarer godt om prosessen i saken. Veldig god støtte og profesjonell. Seriøs og ansvarlig.

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Lawyer Hans-Petter Benth

Hans-Petter Benth

ns 8401-advokat-lawyer-advokat-lawyer-advokat-lawyer-advokat Lawyer Lillestrøm

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Dalan Advokatfirma DA 25 lawyers

Hans-Petter Benth har arbeidet med forretningsjus, herunder omorganiseringer/fusjoner/fisjoner, aksjeselskapsrett, kontraktsrett og kjøp/salg av eiendom og eiendomsselskaper siden 2013. Advokaten har også forsikring fra Finanstilsynet til å foreta eiendomsoppgjør.

Fridtjof Nansens plass 6, 0160 Oslo
72 most popular in Lillestrøm

Hans-Petter Benth har arbeidet med forretningsjus, herunder omorganiseringer/fusjoner/fisjoner, aksjeselskapsrett, kontraktsrett og kjøp/salg av eiendom og eiendomsselskaper siden 2013. Advokaten har også forsikring fra Finanstilsynet til å foreta eiendomsoppgjør.

Fridtjof Nansens plass 6, 0160 Oslo
72 most popular in Lillestrøm
1 review

Jobber effektivt og målrettet. Arbeidet er godt utført og prisen står absolutt i forhold til forventningene. Har brukt Hans-Petter over flere år, og på ulike typer saker. Er tilgjengelig og svarer ras...

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Lawyer Iselinn Pauli Martinsen

Iselinn Pauli Martinsen

ns 8401-advokat-lawyer-advokat-lawyer-advokat-lawyer-advokat Lawyer Oslo

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Advokatfirmaet Sulland AS 19 lawyers

Iselinn Pauli Martinsen is a lawyer in Oslo and works for Advokatfirmaet Sulland AS. The company has 19 lawyers registered with the Norwegian Supervisory Council For Legal Practice. On Advokatguiden Iselinn Pauli Martinsen has 3 reviews and an average score of 4.7. Last month, this profile had 16 pageviews. Read lawyer Iselinn Pauli Martinsen's reviews here .

C. J. Hambros plass 5, 0164 OSLO
356 most popular in Oslo

Iselinn Pauli Martinsen is a lawyer in Oslo and works for Advokatfirmaet Sulland AS. The company has 19 lawyers registered with the Norwegian Supervisory Council For Legal Practice. On Advokatguiden Iselinn Pauli Martinsen has 3 reviews and an average score of 4.7. Last month, this profile had 16 pageviews. Read lawyer Iselinn Pauli Martinsen's reviews here .

C. J. Hambros plass 5, 0164 OSLO
356 most popular in Oslo
3 reviews

-Tar seg tid til å lytte/forstå å satte seg ordentlig inn i saken. -God på å kommunisere og opplyse klienten underveis. -Svarte alltid raskt ved kontakt el spørsmål. Jeg har hatt flere advokater o...

Veldig effektiv, hyggelig og ikke minst grundig. Hun tok jobben sin absolutt på alvor.

Hun var imøtekommende og satt seg raskt inn i saken og fulgte opp på en fin måte !

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Lawyer Ole Gramstad Jensen

Ole Gramstad Jensen

ns 8401-advokat-lawyer-advokat-lawyer-advokat-lawyer-advokat Lawyer Hemsedal

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Gramstad Jensen Advokatfirma AS 1 lawyers

Ole Gramstad Jensen is a lawyer in Hemsedal and works for Gramstad Jensen Advokatfirma AS. The company has 1 lawyers registered with the Norwegian Supervisory Council For Legal Practice. On Advokatguiden Ole Gramstad Jensen has 1 reviews and an average score of 2.0. Last month, this profile had 12 pageviews. Read lawyer Ole Gramstad Jensen's reviews here .

Evolve BI,Sandakerveien 116, 0473 OSLO
2 most popular in Hemsedal

Ole Gramstad Jensen is a lawyer in Hemsedal and works for Gramstad Jensen Advokatfirma AS. The company has 1 lawyers registered with the Norwegian Supervisory Council For Legal Practice. On Advokatguiden Ole Gramstad Jensen has 1 reviews and an average score of 2.0. Last month, this profile had 12 pageviews. Read lawyer Ole Gramstad Jensen's reviews here .

Evolve BI,Sandakerveien 116, 0473 OSLO
2 most popular in Hemsedal
Under average
1 review

Veldig dyr, satte seg ikke inn i saken. Fikk inntrykk av at han bare ville ha mest mulig penger! Motparten spredte blant annet rykter i borettslaget om at jeg var et nettroll, og drev med renkespill f...

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Lawyer Hans Cappelen

Hans Cappelen

ns 8401-advokat-lawyer-advokat-lawyer-advokat-lawyer-advokat Lawyer Oslo

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Hans Cappelen is a lawyer in Oslo. On Advokatguiden Hans Cappelen has 0 reviews and an average score of 0. Last month, this profile had 9 pageviews.

Kristinelundveien 1A, 0268 Oslo
897 most popular in Oslo
Licensed since 1975

Hans Cappelen is a lawyer in Oslo. On Advokatguiden Hans Cappelen has 0 reviews and an average score of 0. Last month, this profile had 9 pageviews.

Kristinelundveien 1A, 0268 Oslo
897 most popular in Oslo
Licensed since 1975
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Lawyer Per Einar Unhjem Johansen

Per Einar Unhjem Johansen

ns 8401-advokat-lawyer-advokat-lawyer-advokat-lawyer-advokat Lawyer Oslo

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Forenede Advokater Unhjem Johansen 1 lawyers

Per Einar Unhjem Johansen is a lawyer in Oslo and works for Forenede Advokater Unhjem Johansen. The company has 1 lawyers registered with the Norwegian Supervisory Council For Legal Practice. On Advokatguiden Per Einar Unhjem Johansen has 0 reviews and an average score of 0. Last month, this profile had 8 pageviews.

St. Olavsgt. 28, 0166 Oslo
1362 most popular in Oslo
Licensed since 1973

Per Einar Unhjem Johansen is a lawyer in Oslo and works for Forenede Advokater Unhjem Johansen. The company has 1 lawyers registered with the Norwegian Supervisory Council For Legal Practice. On Advokatguiden Per Einar Unhjem Johansen has 0 reviews and an average score of 0. Last month, this profile had 8 pageviews.

St. Olavsgt. 28, 0166 Oslo
1362 most popular in Oslo
Licensed since 1973
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Lawyer Hans Peder Bjerke

Hans Peder Bjerke

ns 8401-advokat-lawyer-advokat-lawyer-advokat-lawyer-advokat Lawyer Oslo

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Bjerke Lowzow von Ahnen Advokatfirma AS 4 lawyers

Hans Peder Bjerke is a lawyer in Oslo and works for Bjerke Lowzow von Ahnen Advokatfirma AS. The company has 4 lawyers registered with the Norwegian Supervisory Council For Legal Practice. On Advokatguiden Hans Peder Bjerke has 0 reviews and an average score of 0. Last month, this profile had 9 pageviews.

Rådhusgata 5 B, 0151 OSLO
919 most popular in Oslo
Licensed since 1992

Hans Peder Bjerke is a lawyer in Oslo and works for Bjerke Lowzow von Ahnen Advokatfirma AS. The company has 4 lawyers registered with the Norwegian Supervisory Council For Legal Practice. On Advokatguiden Hans Peder Bjerke has 0 reviews and an average score of 0. Last month, this profile had 9 pageviews.

Rådhusgata 5 B, 0151 OSLO
919 most popular in Oslo
Licensed since 1992
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Lawyer Reidar Steinsvik

Reidar Steinsvik

ns 8401-advokat-lawyer-advokat-lawyer-advokat-lawyer-advokat Lawyer Oslo

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Advokatfirmaet Steinsvik AS 1 lawyers

Reidar Steinsvik is a lawyer in Oslo and works for Advokatfirmaet Steinsvik AS. The company has 1 lawyers registered with the Norwegian Supervisory Council For Legal Practice. On Advokatguiden Reidar Steinsvik has 0 reviews and an average score of 0. Last month, this profile had 3 pageviews.

Pilestredet 7 a (2 etg), 0180 OSLO
3386 most popular in Oslo
Licensed since 1988

Reidar Steinsvik is a lawyer in Oslo and works for Advokatfirmaet Steinsvik AS. The company has 1 lawyers registered with the Norwegian Supervisory Council For Legal Practice. On Advokatguiden Reidar Steinsvik has 0 reviews and an average score of 0. Last month, this profile had 3 pageviews.

Pilestredet 7 a (2 etg), 0180 OSLO
3386 most popular in Oslo
Licensed since 1988
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Lawyer Per Olav Johannsen

Per Olav Johannsen

ns 8401-advokat-lawyer-advokat-lawyer-advokat-lawyer-advokat Lawyer Lysaker

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Lysaker Advokatkontor Per Olav Johannsen 1 lawyers

Per Olav Johannsen is a lawyer in Lysaker and works for Lysaker Advokatkontor Per Olav Johannsen. The company has 1 lawyers registered with the Norwegian Supervisory Council For Legal Practice. On Advokatguiden Per Olav Johannsen has 0 reviews and an average score of 0. Last month, this profile had 11 pageviews.

Dicks vei 12, 1366 LYSAKER
42 most popular in Lysaker

Per Olav Johannsen is a lawyer in Lysaker and works for Lysaker Advokatkontor Per Olav Johannsen. The company has 1 lawyers registered with the Norwegian Supervisory Council For Legal Practice. On Advokatguiden Per Olav Johannsen has 0 reviews and an average score of 0. Last month, this profile had 11 pageviews.

Dicks vei 12, 1366 LYSAKER
42 most popular in Lysaker
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Lawyer Øystein Hansen

Øystein Hansen

ns 8401-advokat-lawyer-advokat-lawyer-advokat-lawyer-advokat Lawyer Fauske

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Advokat Øystein Hansen AS 1 lawyers

Øystein Hansen is a lawyer in Fauske and works for Advokat Øystein Hansen AS. The company has 1 lawyers registered with the Norwegian Supervisory Council For Legal Practice. On Advokatguiden Øystein Hansen has 0 reviews and an average score of 0. Last month, this profile had 12 pageviews.

Sjøgata 60, 8200 FAUSKE
1 most popular in Fauske
Licensed since 1989

Øystein Hansen is a lawyer in Fauske and works for Advokat Øystein Hansen AS. The company has 1 lawyers registered with the Norwegian Supervisory Council For Legal Practice. On Advokatguiden Øystein Hansen has 0 reviews and an average score of 0. Last month, this profile had 12 pageviews.

Sjøgata 60, 8200 FAUSKE
1 most popular in Fauske
Licensed since 1989
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Lawyer Hans Christian Nygaard Wang

Hans Christian Nygaard Wang

ns 8401-advokat-lawyer-advokat-lawyer-advokat-lawyer-advokat Lawyer Halden

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Advokatfirma Wang & Holm-Olsen AS 3 lawyers

Advokatbevilling år 2000. Fast forsvarer ved Halden tingrett og Borgarting lagmannsrett 2008 - 2020. Sakstyper: Straffesaker, som forsvarer og bistandsadvokat. Bostyreroppdrag. Familiesaker, herunder arv/testament, dødsboskifter, fremtidsfullmakt, ektepakt, separasjon og bodeling, barn og foreldre, barnevern. Kjøpsrett og reklamasjonssaker. Fast eiendom og husleiesaker.

Tollbugata 5, 1767 HALDEN
3 most popular in Halden
Licensed since 2000

Advokatbevilling år 2000. Fast forsvarer ved Halden tingrett og Borgarting lagmannsrett 2008 - 2020. Sakstyper: Straffesaker, som forsvarer og bistandsadvokat. Bostyreroppdrag. Familiesaker, herunder arv/testament, dødsboskifter, fremtidsfullmakt, ektepakt, separasjon og bodeling, barn og foreldre, barnevern. Kjøpsrett og reklamasjonssaker. Fast eiendom og husleiesaker.

Tollbugata 5, 1767 HALDEN
3 most popular in Halden
Licensed since 2000
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Lawyer Pål Skarnes Jensen

Pål Skarnes Jensen

ns 8401-advokat-lawyer-advokat-lawyer-advokat-lawyer-advokat Lawyer Tønsberg

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Zenit advokater AS 3 lawyers

Pål Skarnes Jensen is a lawyer in Tønsberg and works for Zenit advokater AS. The company has 3 lawyers registered with the Norwegian Supervisory Council For Legal Practice. On Advokatguiden Pål Skarnes Jensen has 0 reviews and an average score of 0. Last month, this profile had 18 pageviews.

Rambergveien 25 B,Kaldnes brygge, 3115 TØNSBERG
12 most popular in Tønsberg
Licensed since 2001

Pål Skarnes Jensen is a lawyer in Tønsberg and works for Zenit advokater AS. The company has 3 lawyers registered with the Norwegian Supervisory Council For Legal Practice. On Advokatguiden Pål Skarnes Jensen has 0 reviews and an average score of 0. Last month, this profile had 18 pageviews.

Rambergveien 25 B,Kaldnes brygge, 3115 TØNSBERG
12 most popular in Tønsberg
Licensed since 2001
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Lawyer Eirin Susann Simonsen

Eirin Susann Simonsen

ns 8401-advokat-lawyer-advokat-lawyer-advokat-lawyer-advokat Lawyer Oslo

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Hovedorganisasjonen Virke 36 lawyers

Eirin Susann Simonsen is a lawyer in Oslo and works for Hovedorganisasjonen Virke. The company has 36 lawyers registered with the Norwegian Supervisory Council For Legal Practice. On Advokatguiden Eirin Susann Simonsen has 0 reviews and an average score of 0. Last month, this profile had 2 pageviews.

Henrik Ibsens gate 90, 0255 Oslo
4111 most popular in Oslo
Licensed since 2001

Eirin Susann Simonsen is a lawyer in Oslo and works for Hovedorganisasjonen Virke. The company has 36 lawyers registered with the Norwegian Supervisory Council For Legal Practice. On Advokatguiden Eirin Susann Simonsen has 0 reviews and an average score of 0. Last month, this profile had 2 pageviews.

Henrik Ibsens gate 90, 0255 Oslo
4111 most popular in Oslo
Licensed since 2001
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Lawyer Astri Adele Christensen Os

Astri Adele Christensen Os

ns 8401-advokat-lawyer-advokat-lawyer-advokat-lawyer-advokat Lawyer Oslo

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Os Advokater DA 2 lawyers

Astri Adele Christensen Os is a lawyer in Oslo and works for Os Advokater DA. The company has 2 lawyers registered with the Norwegian Supervisory Council For Legal Practice. On Advokatguiden Astri Adele Christensen Os has 0 reviews and an average score of 0. Last month, this profile had 4 pageviews.

Bygdøy Alle 47B, 0265 OSLO
2889 most popular in Oslo
Licensed since 2003

Astri Adele Christensen Os is a lawyer in Oslo and works for Os Advokater DA. The company has 2 lawyers registered with the Norwegian Supervisory Council For Legal Practice. On Advokatguiden Astri Adele Christensen Os has 0 reviews and an average score of 0. Last month, this profile had 4 pageviews.

Bygdøy Alle 47B, 0265 OSLO
2889 most popular in Oslo
Licensed since 2003
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Lawyer Lise Margrethe Østensjø Waage

Lise Margrethe Østensjø Waage is a lawyer in Haugesund and works for Advokatfirmaet Eurojuris Haugesund AS. The company has 15 lawyers registered with the Norwegian Supervisory Council For Legal Practice. On Advokatguiden Lise Margrethe Østensjø Waage has 0 reviews and an average score of 0. Last month, this profile had 12 pageviews.

Haraldsgt. 90, 5528 HAUGESUND
21 most popular in Haugesund
Licensed since 2001

Lise Margrethe Østensjø Waage is a lawyer in Haugesund and works for Advokatfirmaet Eurojuris Haugesund AS. The company has 15 lawyers registered with the Norwegian Supervisory Council For Legal Practice. On Advokatguiden Lise Margrethe Østensjø Waage has 0 reviews and an average score of 0. Last month, this profile had 12 pageviews.

Haraldsgt. 90, 5528 HAUGESUND
21 most popular in Haugesund
Licensed since 2001
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Lawyer Joachim Sopp Onsrud

Joachim Sopp Onsrud

ns 8401-advokat-lawyer-advokat-lawyer-advokat-lawyer-advokat Lawyer Gjøvik

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Advokatfirmaet Sopp Onsrud AS 1 lawyers

Joachim Sopp Onsrud is a lawyer in Gjøvik and works for Advokatfirmaet Sopp Onsrud AS. The company has 1 lawyers registered with the Norwegian Supervisory Council For Legal Practice. On Advokatguiden Joachim Sopp Onsrud has 0 reviews and an average score of 0. Last month, this profile had 21 pageviews.

Storgata 10, 2815 Gjøvik
5 most popular in Gjøvik

Joachim Sopp Onsrud is a lawyer in Gjøvik and works for Advokatfirmaet Sopp Onsrud AS. The company has 1 lawyers registered with the Norwegian Supervisory Council For Legal Practice. On Advokatguiden Joachim Sopp Onsrud has 0 reviews and an average score of 0. Last month, this profile had 21 pageviews.

Storgata 10, 2815 Gjøvik
5 most popular in Gjøvik
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Lawyer Thorbjørn Riise Haagensen

Thorbjørn Riise Haagensen is a lawyer in Tromsø and works for Advokatfirmaet Haagensen & Bakkelund AS. The company has 4 lawyers registered with the Norwegian Supervisory Council For Legal Practice. On Advokatguiden Thorbjørn Riise Haagensen has 0 reviews and an average score of 0. Last month, this profile had 11 pageviews.

Haakon Den Gamles gate 5, 9008 Tromsø
41 most popular in Tromsø
Licensed since 2007

Thorbjørn Riise Haagensen is a lawyer in Tromsø and works for Advokatfirmaet Haagensen & Bakkelund AS. The company has 4 lawyers registered with the Norwegian Supervisory Council For Legal Practice. On Advokatguiden Thorbjørn Riise Haagensen has 0 reviews and an average score of 0. Last month, this profile had 11 pageviews.

Haakon Den Gamles gate 5, 9008 Tromsø
41 most popular in Tromsø
Licensed since 2007
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Lawyer Charlotte Bang-Hansen

Charlotte Bang-Hansen

ns 8401-advokat-lawyer-advokat-lawyer-advokat-lawyer-advokat Lawyer Oslo

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Bang-Hansen Advokatfirma AS 1 lawyers

Charlotte Bang-Hansen is a lawyer in Oslo and works for Bang-Hansen Advokatfirma AS. The company has 1 lawyers registered with the Norwegian Supervisory Council For Legal Practice. On Advokatguiden Charlotte Bang-Hansen has 0 reviews and an average score of 0. Last month, this profile had 6 pageviews.

Tjuvholmen allé 3, 0252 Oslo
1910 most popular in Oslo
Licensed since 2006

Charlotte Bang-Hansen is a lawyer in Oslo and works for Bang-Hansen Advokatfirma AS. The company has 1 lawyers registered with the Norwegian Supervisory Council For Legal Practice. On Advokatguiden Charlotte Bang-Hansen has 0 reviews and an average score of 0. Last month, this profile had 6 pageviews.

Tjuvholmen allé 3, 0252 Oslo
1910 most popular in Oslo
Licensed since 2006
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Lawyer Hans Mikkel Herberg

Hans Mikkel Herberg

ns 8401-advokat-lawyer-advokat-lawyer-advokat-lawyer-advokat Lawyer Gjøvik

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Advokatfirmaet Lohne Krokeide AS 7 lawyers

Hans Mikkel Herberg is a lawyer in Gjøvik and works for Advokatfirmaet Lohne Krokeide AS. The company has 7 lawyers registered with the Norwegian Supervisory Council For Legal Practice. On Advokatguiden Hans Mikkel Herberg has 0 reviews and an average score of 0. Last month, this profile had 29 pageviews.

Hunnsvegen 2, 2821 Gjøvik
2 most popular in Gjøvik

Hans Mikkel Herberg is a lawyer in Gjøvik and works for Advokatfirmaet Lohne Krokeide AS. The company has 7 lawyers registered with the Norwegian Supervisory Council For Legal Practice. On Advokatguiden Hans Mikkel Herberg has 0 reviews and an average score of 0. Last month, this profile had 29 pageviews.

Hunnsvegen 2, 2821 Gjøvik
2 most popular in Gjøvik
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