Lawyer Atle Melø

Atle Melø

avvik el anlegg-advokat-lawyer-advokat-lawyer-advokat-lawyer-advokat-lawyer-advokat Lawyer Trondheim

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Advokatfirmaet Melø AS 2 lawyers

Atle Melø is a lawyer in Trondheim and works for Advokatfirmaet Melø AS. The company has 2 lawyers registered with the Norwegian Supervisory Council For Legal Practice. On Advokatguiden Atle Melø has 1 reviews and an average score of 5.0. Last month, this profile had 7 pageviews. Read lawyer Atle Melø's reviews here .

Havnegata 9, 7010 TRONDHEIM
166 most popular in Trondheim
Licensed since 2013

Atle Melø is a lawyer in Trondheim and works for Advokatfirmaet Melø AS. The company has 2 lawyers registered with the Norwegian Supervisory Council For Legal Practice. On Advokatguiden Atle Melø has 1 reviews and an average score of 5.0. Last month, this profile had 7 pageviews. Read lawyer Atle Melø's reviews here .

Havnegata 9, 7010 TRONDHEIM
166 most popular in Trondheim
Licensed since 2013
1 review

Atle er trondheims beste advokat, punktum.

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Lawyer Ingrid Elisabeth Hunderi

Ingrid Elisabeth Hunderi

avvik el anlegg-advokat-lawyer-advokat-lawyer-advokat-lawyer-advokat-lawyer-advokat Lawyer Oslo

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Advokatfirmaet Legalis AS 35 lawyers

Ingrid Elisabeth Hunderi is a lawyer in Oslo and works for Advokatfirmaet Legalis AS. The company has 35 lawyers registered with the Norwegian Supervisory Council For Legal Practice. On Advokatguiden Ingrid Elisabeth Hunderi has 1 reviews and an average score of 5.0. Last month, this profile had 8 pageviews. Read lawyer Ingrid Elisabeth Hunderi's reviews here .

Universitetsgata 8, 0164 OSLO
1325 most popular in Oslo

Ingrid Elisabeth Hunderi is a lawyer in Oslo and works for Advokatfirmaet Legalis AS. The company has 35 lawyers registered with the Norwegian Supervisory Council For Legal Practice. On Advokatguiden Ingrid Elisabeth Hunderi has 1 reviews and an average score of 5.0. Last month, this profile had 8 pageviews. Read lawyer Ingrid Elisabeth Hunderi's reviews here .

Universitetsgata 8, 0164 OSLO
1325 most popular in Oslo
1 review

Jeg ble anbefalt advokat Ingrid av en annen advokat da NAV henla min sak uten at jeg fikk bevise min uskyld, takket være advokat Ingrid vant jeg saken mot Nav. Anbefales av hele mitt hjerte til alle s...

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Lawyer Elisabeth Helene Aasen

Elisabeth Helene Aasen

avvik el anlegg-advokat-lawyer-advokat-lawyer-advokat-lawyer-advokat-lawyer-advokat Lawyer Oslo

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Advokatfirmaet Legalis AS 35 lawyers

Elisabeth Helene Aasen is a lawyer in Oslo and works for Advokatfirmaet Legalis AS. The company has 35 lawyers registered with the Norwegian Supervisory Council For Legal Practice. On Advokatguiden Elisabeth Helene Aasen has 1 reviews and an average score of 5.0. Last month, this profile had 16 pageviews. Read lawyer Elisabeth Helene Aasen's reviews here .

366 most popular in Oslo
Licensed since 2018

Elisabeth Helene Aasen is a lawyer in Oslo and works for Advokatfirmaet Legalis AS. The company has 35 lawyers registered with the Norwegian Supervisory Council For Legal Practice. On Advokatguiden Elisabeth Helene Aasen has 1 reviews and an average score of 5.0. Last month, this profile had 16 pageviews. Read lawyer Elisabeth Helene Aasen's reviews here .

366 most popular in Oslo
Licensed since 2018
1 review

Jeg vil anbefale Elisabeth. Hun ga rask og god hjelp, stilte de spørsmålene jeg ikke visste at jeg hadde, og justerte utkastet til avtale, iht omåder vi var innom. Jeg er særdeles fornøyd med hennes h...

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Lawyer Isabel Borgstrøm

Isabel Borgstrøm

avvik el anlegg-advokat-lawyer-advokat-lawyer-advokat-lawyer-advokat-lawyer-advokat Lawyer Oslo

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Aurlien Vordahl & Co Advokatfirma AS 14 lawyers

Isabel Borgstrøm is a lawyer in Oslo and works for Aurlien Vordahl & Co Advokatfirma AS. The company has 14 lawyers registered with the Norwegian Supervisory Council For Legal Practice. On Advokatguiden Isabel Borgstrøm has 1 reviews and an average score of 5.0. Last month, this profile had 9 pageviews. Read lawyer Isabel Borgstrøm's reviews here .

Universitetsgata 22, 0162 Oslo
1092 most popular in Oslo
Licensed since 2019

Isabel Borgstrøm is a lawyer in Oslo and works for Aurlien Vordahl & Co Advokatfirma AS. The company has 14 lawyers registered with the Norwegian Supervisory Council For Legal Practice. On Advokatguiden Isabel Borgstrøm has 1 reviews and an average score of 5.0. Last month, this profile had 9 pageviews. Read lawyer Isabel Borgstrøm's reviews here .

Universitetsgata 22, 0162 Oslo
1092 most popular in Oslo
Licensed since 2019
1 review

Isabel bisto meg i et privat ærende. Veldig god og rask jobb samt veldig lett å kommunisere med. Anbefales på det sterkeste!

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Lawyer Alexander Schimmelpfennig Nygaard

Alexander Schimmelpfennig Nygaard

avvik el anlegg-advokat-lawyer-advokat-lawyer-advokat-lawyer-advokat-lawyer-advokat Lawyer Stavanger

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Advokatfirmaet SjødinMeling AS 16 lawyers

Alexander Schimmelpfennig Nygaard is a lawyer in Stavanger and works for Advokatfirmaet SjødinMeling AS. The company has 16 lawyers registered with the Norwegian Supervisory Council For Legal Practice. On Advokatguiden Alexander Schimmelpfennig Nygaard has 1 reviews and an average score of 5.0. Last month, this profile had 12 pageviews. Read lawyer Alexander Schimmelpfennig Nygaard's reviews here .

St. Olavsgate 11 (inngang 13), 4005 Stavanger
89 most popular in Stavanger
Licensed since 2019

Alexander Schimmelpfennig Nygaard is a lawyer in Stavanger and works for Advokatfirmaet SjødinMeling AS. The company has 16 lawyers registered with the Norwegian Supervisory Council For Legal Practice. On Advokatguiden Alexander Schimmelpfennig Nygaard has 1 reviews and an average score of 5.0. Last month, this profile had 12 pageviews. Read lawyer Alexander Schimmelpfennig Nygaard's reviews here .

St. Olavsgate 11 (inngang 13), 4005 Stavanger
89 most popular in Stavanger
Licensed since 2019
1 review

Jeg har et bredt sammenligningsgrunnlag å vurdere ut i fra, og Alexander S. Nygaard er den beste advokaten jeg vet om. Han forstår det usnakkede hvis du som klient har vanskelig for å uttrykke deg med...

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Lawyer Vilde Helliesen Ueland

Vilde Helliesen Ueland

avvik el anlegg-advokat-lawyer-advokat-lawyer-advokat-lawyer-advokat-lawyer-advokat Lawyer Stavanger

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Advokatfirmaet Thommessen AS 7 lawyers

Vilde Helliesen Ueland is a lawyer in Stavanger and works for Advokatfirmaet Thommessen AS. The company has 7 lawyers registered with the Norwegian Supervisory Council For Legal Practice. On Advokatguiden Vilde Helliesen Ueland has 1 reviews and an average score of 5.0. Last month, this profile had 9 pageviews. Read lawyer Vilde Helliesen Ueland's reviews here .

Jåttåvågveien 7,Blokk B, 4020 STAVANGER
148 most popular in Stavanger

Vilde Helliesen Ueland is a lawyer in Stavanger and works for Advokatfirmaet Thommessen AS. The company has 7 lawyers registered with the Norwegian Supervisory Council For Legal Practice. On Advokatguiden Vilde Helliesen Ueland has 1 reviews and an average score of 5.0. Last month, this profile had 9 pageviews. Read lawyer Vilde Helliesen Ueland's reviews here .

Jåttåvågveien 7,Blokk B, 4020 STAVANGER
148 most popular in Stavanger
1 review

Hurtig og presist arbeid med oppnåd antatt resultat basert på utgangspunkt.

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Lawyer Per Aksel Hosar

Per Aksel Hosar

avvik el anlegg-advokat-lawyer-advokat-lawyer-advokat-lawyer-advokat-lawyer-advokat Lawyer Oslo

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Advokatfirmaet Seland I Rödl & Partner AS 17 lawyers

Per Aksel Hosar is a lawyer in Oslo and works for Advokatfirmaet Seland I Rödl & Partner AS. The company has 17 lawyers registered with the Norwegian Supervisory Council For Legal Practice. On Advokatguiden Per Aksel Hosar has 1 reviews and an average score of 5.0. Last month, this profile had 7 pageviews. Read lawyer Per Aksel Hosar's reviews here .

Parkveien 55, 0256 Oslo
1700 most popular in Oslo
Licensed since 2010

Per Aksel Hosar is a lawyer in Oslo and works for Advokatfirmaet Seland I Rödl & Partner AS. The company has 17 lawyers registered with the Norwegian Supervisory Council For Legal Practice. On Advokatguiden Per Aksel Hosar has 1 reviews and an average score of 5.0. Last month, this profile had 7 pageviews. Read lawyer Per Aksel Hosar's reviews here .

Parkveien 55, 0256 Oslo
1700 most popular in Oslo
Licensed since 2010
1 review

Fikk anbefalt Per Hosar av en bekjent. Vår bekjente har en venn som hadde hatt tilsvarende problem som oss. Hosar hadde hjulpet vedkommende på en aldeles utmerket måte, og han har gjort det samme for ...

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Lawyer Arne Johan Almeland

Arne Johan Almeland

avvik el anlegg-advokat-lawyer-advokat-lawyer-advokat-lawyer-advokat-lawyer-advokat Lawyer Oslo

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Advokat Arne Johan Almeland 1 lawyers

Arne Johan Almeland is a lawyer in Oslo and works for Advokat Arne Johan Almeland. The company has 1 lawyers registered with the Norwegian Supervisory Council For Legal Practice. On Advokatguiden Arne Johan Almeland has 1 reviews and an average score of 4.8. Last month, this profile had 4 pageviews. Read lawyer Arne Johan Almeland's reviews here .

Holbergsgt. 21, 0166 Oslo
2875 most popular in Oslo
Licensed since 2001

Arne Johan Almeland is a lawyer in Oslo and works for Advokat Arne Johan Almeland. The company has 1 lawyers registered with the Norwegian Supervisory Council For Legal Practice. On Advokatguiden Arne Johan Almeland has 1 reviews and an average score of 4.8. Last month, this profile had 4 pageviews. Read lawyer Arne Johan Almeland's reviews here .

Holbergsgt. 21, 0166 Oslo
2875 most popular in Oslo
Licensed since 2001
1 review

Fikk hjelp av Arne Johan Almeland ifm en barnefordelingssak. Han er veldig kunnskapsrik innen sitt felt. Kom med mange gode råd og forslag til løsninger som ikke nødvendigvis er det man selv tenker på...

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Lawyer Marit Hellen Håkonsen

Marit Hellen Håkonsen

avvik el anlegg-advokat-lawyer-advokat-lawyer-advokat-lawyer-advokat-lawyer-advokat Lawyer Bergen

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Advokat Håkonsen AS 1 lawyers

Marit Hellen Håkonsen is a lawyer in Bergen and works for Advokat Håkonsen AS. The company has 1 lawyers registered with the Norwegian Supervisory Council For Legal Practice. On Advokatguiden Marit Hellen Håkonsen has 1 reviews and an average score of 4.8. Last month, this profile had 3 pageviews. Read lawyer Marit Hellen Håkonsen's reviews here .

Bredsgården 1 f, 5003 BERGEN
562 most popular in Bergen

Marit Hellen Håkonsen is a lawyer in Bergen and works for Advokat Håkonsen AS. The company has 1 lawyers registered with the Norwegian Supervisory Council For Legal Practice. On Advokatguiden Marit Hellen Håkonsen has 1 reviews and an average score of 4.8. Last month, this profile had 3 pageviews. Read lawyer Marit Hellen Håkonsen's reviews here .

Bredsgården 1 f, 5003 BERGEN
562 most popular in Bergen
1 review

Jeg har brukt flere advokater til skifte. Jeg er veldig fornøyd med arbeidet hun gjorde for min sak. Hun er effektiv og erfaren. Brukte henne også til barnefordelingen. Kan absolutt anbefales til slik...

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Lawyer Merete Bjørkelund

Merete Bjørkelund

avvik el anlegg-advokat-lawyer-advokat-lawyer-advokat-lawyer-advokat-lawyer-advokat Lawyer Egersund

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Stokkeland - Advokat DA 4 lawyers

Merete Bjørkelund is a lawyer in Egersund and works for Stokkeland - Advokat DA. The company has 4 lawyers registered with the Norwegian Supervisory Council For Legal Practice. On Advokatguiden Merete Bjørkelund has 1 reviews and an average score of 4.5. Last month, this profile had 12 pageviews. Read lawyer Merete Bjørkelund's reviews here .

Storgaten 39, 4370 EGERSUND
4 most popular in Egersund
Licensed since 2007

Merete Bjørkelund is a lawyer in Egersund and works for Stokkeland - Advokat DA. The company has 4 lawyers registered with the Norwegian Supervisory Council For Legal Practice. On Advokatguiden Merete Bjørkelund has 1 reviews and an average score of 4.5. Last month, this profile had 12 pageviews. Read lawyer Merete Bjørkelund's reviews here .

Storgaten 39, 4370 EGERSUND
4 most popular in Egersund
Licensed since 2007
1 review

Veldig god og trygg advokat som ivaretok meg på en meget tilfredsstillende måte. Hun var klar og tydelig i sin kommunikasjon, mine forventninger ble innfridd og mere til. Lett tilgjengelig gjennom hel...

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Lawyer Ruben Skifjell Hoffgaard

Ruben Skifjell Hoffgaard

avvik el anlegg-advokat-lawyer-advokat-lawyer-advokat-lawyer-advokat-lawyer-advokat Lawyer Tønsberg

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Tenden Advokatfirma ANS avd. Tønsberg 19 lawyers

Ruben Skifjell Hoffgaard is a lawyer in Tønsberg and works for Tenden Advokatfirma ANS avd. Tønsberg. The company has 19 lawyers registered with the Norwegian Supervisory Council For Legal Practice. On Advokatguiden Ruben Skifjell Hoffgaard has 1 reviews and an average score of 4.5. Last month, this profile had 7 pageviews. Read lawyer Ruben Skifjell Hoffgaard's reviews here .

Dokkveien 1, 0250 Oslo
56 most popular in Tønsberg
Licensed since 2017

Ruben Skifjell Hoffgaard is a lawyer in Tønsberg and works for Tenden Advokatfirma ANS avd. Tønsberg. The company has 19 lawyers registered with the Norwegian Supervisory Council For Legal Practice. On Advokatguiden Ruben Skifjell Hoffgaard has 1 reviews and an average score of 4.5. Last month, this profile had 7 pageviews. Read lawyer Ruben Skifjell Hoffgaard's reviews here .

Dokkveien 1, 0250 Oslo
56 most popular in Tønsberg
Licensed since 2017
1 review

En av de beste advokatene jeg har vært borti. Står på 24-7. Leverer gode råd og produkter til avtalt tid.

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Lawyer Kjell Oddvar Heggvoll

Kjell Oddvar Heggvoll

avvik el anlegg-advokat-lawyer-advokat-lawyer-advokat-lawyer-advokat-lawyer-advokat Lawyer Trondheim

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Kjell Heggvoll 1 lawyers

Kjell Oddvar Heggvoll is a lawyer in Trondheim and works for Kjell Heggvoll. The company has 1 lawyers registered with the Norwegian Supervisory Council For Legal Practice. On Advokatguiden Kjell Oddvar Heggvoll has 1 reviews and an average score of 4.0. Last month, this profile had 15 pageviews. Read lawyer Kjell Oddvar Heggvoll's reviews here .

Dronningensgt. 9, 7011 TRONDHEIM
53 most popular in Trondheim
Licensed since 1992

Kjell Oddvar Heggvoll is a lawyer in Trondheim and works for Kjell Heggvoll. The company has 1 lawyers registered with the Norwegian Supervisory Council For Legal Practice. On Advokatguiden Kjell Oddvar Heggvoll has 1 reviews and an average score of 4.0. Last month, this profile had 15 pageviews. Read lawyer Kjell Oddvar Heggvoll's reviews here .

Dronningensgt. 9, 7011 TRONDHEIM
53 most popular in Trondheim
Licensed since 1992
1 review

Kjell Heggvoll var bobestyrer og testamentfullbyrder i en komplisert arvesak med tre barn. Han gjorde en utmerket jobb. Saken tok lang tid grunnet avdødes kompliserte fordeling av eiendom. Kjell løst...

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Lawyer Jonny Angell

Jonny Angell

avvik el anlegg-advokat-lawyer-advokat-lawyer-advokat-lawyer-advokat-lawyer-advokat Lawyer Tromsø

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Advokatselskapet Angell AS 1 lawyers

Jonny Angell is a lawyer in Tromsø and works for Advokatselskapet Angell AS. The company has 1 lawyers registered with the Norwegian Supervisory Council For Legal Practice. On Advokatguiden Jonny Angell has 3 reviews and an average score of 3.8. Last month, this profile had 21 pageviews. Read lawyer Jonny Angell's reviews here .

16 most popular in Tromsø

Jonny Angell is a lawyer in Tromsø and works for Advokatselskapet Angell AS. The company has 1 lawyers registered with the Norwegian Supervisory Council For Legal Practice. On Advokatguiden Jonny Angell has 3 reviews and an average score of 3.8. Last month, this profile had 21 pageviews. Read lawyer Jonny Angell's reviews here .

16 most popular in Tromsø
3 reviews

Jeg har aldri inngått skriftlig avtale, signert ordrebekreftelse eller gitt aksept/samtykke på at Angell skal ha noen rolle i behandlingen av et dødsbo. Av egen interesse-/inntjening følger Angell en...

Angell er tilstede mentalt og evner å se og klient på en god måte. Han bruker sin tid effektivt slik at det ikke påløper ekstra kostnader. Veldig fornøyd.

Ryddig og effektiv. Har brukt han på kontrakter, generell juridiske råd og saker. Leverer svært bra hver gang. Anbefales.

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Lawyer Jorun Elisabeth Seegaard Dahlberg

Jorun Elisabeth Seegaard Dahlberg

avvik el anlegg-advokat-lawyer-advokat-lawyer-advokat-lawyer-advokat-lawyer-advokat Lawyer Sandvika

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Advokatfirmaet Tørresby & Seegaard Dahlberg ANS 2 lawyers

Jorun Elisabeth Seegaard Dahlberg is a lawyer in Sandvika and works for Advokatfirmaet Tørresby & Seegaard Dahlberg ANS. The company has 2 lawyers registered with the Norwegian Supervisory Council For Legal Practice. On Advokatguiden Jorun Elisabeth Seegaard Dahlberg has 1 reviews and an average score of 1.3. Last month, this profile had 15 pageviews. Read lawyer Jorun Elisabeth Seegaard Dahlberg's reviews here .

Rådmann Halmrasts vei 18, 1300 SANDVIKA
13 most popular in Sandvika
Licensed since 1993

Jorun Elisabeth Seegaard Dahlberg is a lawyer in Sandvika and works for Advokatfirmaet Tørresby & Seegaard Dahlberg ANS. The company has 2 lawyers registered with the Norwegian Supervisory Council For Legal Practice. On Advokatguiden Jorun Elisabeth Seegaard Dahlberg has 1 reviews and an average score of 1.3. Last month, this profile had 15 pageviews. Read lawyer Jorun Elisabeth Seegaard Dahlberg's reviews here .

Rådmann Halmrasts vei 18, 1300 SANDVIKA
13 most popular in Sandvika
Licensed since 1993
Not recommended
1 review

Hun er arrogant og har en meget frekk oppførsel. Tror hun kan og vet alt. Jeg ville absolutt ikke ha anbefalt henne som advokat til noen. Hun ser ned på folk og forhåndsdømmer folk. Også hører hun ik...

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Lawyer Gro Forsdal Helvik

Gro Forsdal Helvik

avvik el anlegg-advokat-lawyer-advokat-lawyer-advokat-lawyer-advokat-lawyer-advokat Lawyer Oslo

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Deloitte Advokatfirma AS 55 lawyers

Gro Forsdal Helvik is a lawyer in Oslo and works for Deloitte Advokatfirma AS. The company has 55 lawyers registered with the Norwegian Supervisory Council For Legal Practice. On Advokatguiden Gro Forsdal Helvik has 1 reviews and an average score of 1.2. Last month, this profile had 7 pageviews. Read lawyer Gro Forsdal Helvik's reviews here .

Dronning Eufemias gate 14, 0191 OSLO
1497 most popular in Oslo
Licensed since 2001

Gro Forsdal Helvik is a lawyer in Oslo and works for Deloitte Advokatfirma AS. The company has 55 lawyers registered with the Norwegian Supervisory Council For Legal Practice. On Advokatguiden Gro Forsdal Helvik has 1 reviews and an average score of 1.2. Last month, this profile had 7 pageviews. Read lawyer Gro Forsdal Helvik's reviews here .

Dronning Eufemias gate 14, 0191 OSLO
1497 most popular in Oslo
Licensed since 2001
Not recommended
1 review

Da jeg som arbeidsgiver, hadde ansatte som opptrådde kriminelt, punkterte jobb-bilen, og sluttet på dagen, tok advokatene mine i deloitte i praksis parti med dem, altså motparten; fordi advokatene kun...

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Lawyer Frode Elton Haug

Frode Elton Haug

avvik el anlegg-advokat-lawyer-advokat-lawyer-advokat-lawyer-advokat-lawyer-advokat Lawyer Oslo

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Advokatfirmaet Legalis AS 35 lawyers

Frode Elton Haug is a lawyer in Oslo and works for Advokatfirmaet Legalis AS. The company has 35 lawyers registered with the Norwegian Supervisory Council For Legal Practice. On Advokatguiden Frode Elton Haug has 1 reviews and an average score of 1.0. Last month, this profile had 11 pageviews. Read lawyer Frode Elton Haug's reviews here .

Universitetsgata 8, 0164 Oslo
749 most popular in Oslo

Frode Elton Haug is a lawyer in Oslo and works for Advokatfirmaet Legalis AS. The company has 35 lawyers registered with the Norwegian Supervisory Council For Legal Practice. On Advokatguiden Frode Elton Haug has 1 reviews and an average score of 1.0. Last month, this profile had 11 pageviews. Read lawyer Frode Elton Haug's reviews here .

Universitetsgata 8, 0164 Oslo
749 most popular in Oslo
Not recommended
1 review

Jeg hadde selv fremmet et erstatningskrav mot en part. Når disse, tross 14 dagers svarfrist, ikke hadde svart på 3 måneder, hyret jeg Haug for å sende et siste varsel, og dersom også det forble ubesva...

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Lawyer Søren Hielm Friis

Søren Hielm Friis

avvik el anlegg-advokat-lawyer-advokat-lawyer-advokat-lawyer-advokat-lawyer-advokat Lawyer Slependen

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Friis & Foyn Advokatfirma ANS 2 lawyers

Søren Hielm Friis er født i 1951 og har hatt advokatbevilling siden 1984. Han har arbeidet på Oslo Ligningskontor, først som juridisk konsulent senere som førstekonsulent, frem til 1. oktober 1982 og har siden vært i advokatyrket. Han har drevet eget firma siden 1985. Fra Universitetet var boligrett hans spesialfag. Han har tilleggseksamener ved BI i bedriftsøkonomi, regnskap og skatterett og har autorisasjon som regnskapsfører også i tillegg til advokatbevillingen. Søren er først og fremst interessert i prosedyrearbeid som advokat (liker å gå i retten). Har prosedert alle slags saker, i alle instanser, også i Høyesterett, der han så langt har hatt en prøvesak. Søren har størst kompetanse innenfor rettsområdene skatterett, erstatningsrett, forsikringsrett, strafferett, selskapsrett, familie-/arverett, opphavsrett, kjennetegnsrett (varemerker), boligrett og fast eiendoms rettsspørsmål. Søren Hielm Friis kan kontaktes direkte på e-post: og mobiltelefon 95998372

Leangbukta 40, 1392 VETTRE
2 most popular in Slependen

Søren Hielm Friis er født i 1951 og har hatt advokatbevilling siden 1984. Han har arbeidet på Oslo Ligningskontor, først som juridisk konsulent senere som førstekonsulent, frem til 1. oktober 1982 og har siden vært i advokatyrket. Han har drevet eget firma siden 1985. Fra Universitetet var boligrett hans spesialfag. Han har tilleggseksamener ved BI i bedriftsøkonomi, regnskap og skatterett og har autorisasjon som regnskapsfører også i tillegg til advokatbevillingen. Søren er først og fremst interessert i prosedyrearbeid som advokat (liker å gå i retten). Har prosedert alle slags saker, i alle instanser, også i Høyesterett, der han så langt har hatt en prøvesak. Søren har størst kompetanse innenfor rettsområdene skatterett, erstatningsrett, forsikringsrett, strafferett, selskapsrett, familie-/arverett, opphavsrett, kjennetegnsrett (varemerker), boligrett og fast eiendoms rettsspørsmål. Søren Hielm Friis kan kontaktes direkte på e-post: og mobiltelefon 95998372

Leangbukta 40, 1392 VETTRE
2 most popular in Slependen
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Lawyer Kjell Trygve Torkildsen

Kjell Trygve Torkildsen

avvik el anlegg-advokat-lawyer-advokat-lawyer-advokat-lawyer-advokat-lawyer-advokat Lawyer Oslo

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Advokatfirmaet Haavind AS 120 lawyers

Kjell Trygve Torkildsen is a lawyer in Oslo and works for Advokatfirmaet Haavind AS. The company has 120 lawyers registered with the Norwegian Supervisory Council For Legal Practice. On Advokatguiden Kjell Trygve Torkildsen has 0 reviews and an average score of 0. Last month, this profile had 4 pageviews.

Bygdøy Allé 2, 0101 OSLO
2733 most popular in Oslo
Licensed since 1975

Kjell Trygve Torkildsen is a lawyer in Oslo and works for Advokatfirmaet Haavind AS. The company has 120 lawyers registered with the Norwegian Supervisory Council For Legal Practice. On Advokatguiden Kjell Trygve Torkildsen has 0 reviews and an average score of 0. Last month, this profile had 4 pageviews.

Bygdøy Allé 2, 0101 OSLO
2733 most popular in Oslo
Licensed since 1975
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Lawyer Niels-Christian Holm

Niels-Christian Holm

avvik el anlegg-advokat-lawyer-advokat-lawyer-advokat-lawyer-advokat-lawyer-advokat Lawyer Asker

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Advokatfirmaet Niels-Christian Holm AS 1 lawyers

Niels-Christian Holm is a lawyer in Asker and works for Advokatfirmaet Niels-Christian Holm AS. The company has 1 lawyers registered with the Norwegian Supervisory Council For Legal Practice. On Advokatguiden Niels-Christian Holm has 0 reviews and an average score of 0. Last month, this profile had 6 pageviews.

Øvre Høn terrasse 23, 1384 ASKER
21 most popular in Asker
Licensed since 1986

Niels-Christian Holm is a lawyer in Asker and works for Advokatfirmaet Niels-Christian Holm AS. The company has 1 lawyers registered with the Norwegian Supervisory Council For Legal Practice. On Advokatguiden Niels-Christian Holm has 0 reviews and an average score of 0. Last month, this profile had 6 pageviews.

Øvre Høn terrasse 23, 1384 ASKER
21 most popular in Asker
Licensed since 1986
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Lawyer Petter Mello

Petter Mello

avvik el anlegg-advokat-lawyer-advokat-lawyer-advokat-lawyer-advokat-lawyer-advokat Lawyer Tønsberg

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Advokat Petter Mello AS 1 lawyers

Petter Mello is a lawyer in Tønsberg and works for Advokat Petter Mello AS. The company has 1 lawyers registered with the Norwegian Supervisory Council For Legal Practice. On Advokatguiden Petter Mello has 0 reviews and an average score of 0. Last month, this profile had 6 pageviews.

58 most popular in Tønsberg
Licensed since 1983

Petter Mello is a lawyer in Tønsberg and works for Advokat Petter Mello AS. The company has 1 lawyers registered with the Norwegian Supervisory Council For Legal Practice. On Advokatguiden Petter Mello has 0 reviews and an average score of 0. Last month, this profile had 6 pageviews.

58 most popular in Tønsberg
Licensed since 1983
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Lawyer Per Jan Selmer

Per Jan Selmer

avvik el anlegg-advokat-lawyer-advokat-lawyer-advokat-lawyer-advokat-lawyer-advokat Lawyer Stavanger

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Projure Advokatfirma AS 2 lawyers

Per Jan Selmer is a lawyer in Stavanger and works for Projure Advokatfirma AS. The company has 2 lawyers registered with the Norwegian Supervisory Council For Legal Practice. On Advokatguiden Per Jan Selmer has 0 reviews and an average score of 0. Last month, this profile had 9 pageviews.

123 most popular in Stavanger
Licensed since 1974

Per Jan Selmer is a lawyer in Stavanger and works for Projure Advokatfirma AS. The company has 2 lawyers registered with the Norwegian Supervisory Council For Legal Practice. On Advokatguiden Per Jan Selmer has 0 reviews and an average score of 0. Last month, this profile had 9 pageviews.

123 most popular in Stavanger
Licensed since 1974
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Lawyer Narve Helge Eikhaug

Narve Helge Eikhaug

avvik el anlegg-advokat-lawyer-advokat-lawyer-advokat-lawyer-advokat-lawyer-advokat Lawyer Bønes

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Advokat Narve Helge Eikhaug AS 1 lawyers

Narve Helge Eikhaug is a lawyer in Bønes and works for Advokat Narve Helge Eikhaug AS. The company has 1 lawyers registered with the Norwegian Supervisory Council For Legal Practice. On Advokatguiden Narve Helge Eikhaug has 0 reviews and an average score of 0. Last month, this profile had 4 pageviews.

Våkleiven 4, 5155 BØNES
11 most popular in Bønes
Licensed since 1984

Narve Helge Eikhaug is a lawyer in Bønes and works for Advokat Narve Helge Eikhaug AS. The company has 1 lawyers registered with the Norwegian Supervisory Council For Legal Practice. On Advokatguiden Narve Helge Eikhaug has 0 reviews and an average score of 0. Last month, this profile had 4 pageviews.

Våkleiven 4, 5155 BØNES
11 most popular in Bønes
Licensed since 1984
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Lawyer Arne Helge Elvestuen

Arne Helge Elvestuen

avvik el anlegg-advokat-lawyer-advokat-lawyer-advokat-lawyer-advokat-lawyer-advokat Lawyer Sandefjord

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Advokat Arne Elvestuen 1 lawyers

Trenger du bistand i en erstatningssak etter yrkes-, trafikk-, pasientskade, forsikringsrett eller skade på en gjenstand? Jeg har spesialkompetanse og mer enn 35-års erfaring med slike type saker. Jeg bistår klienter over hele landet og kan tilby «no cure no pay». Om det er av interesse tilbyr jeg gratis vurdering av din sak. Ta kontakt med meg for en nærmere avtale.

O H Holtas gate 21, 3678 NOTODDEN
9 most popular in Sandefjord
Licensed since 1978

Trenger du bistand i en erstatningssak etter yrkes-, trafikk-, pasientskade, forsikringsrett eller skade på en gjenstand? Jeg har spesialkompetanse og mer enn 35-års erfaring med slike type saker. Jeg bistår klienter over hele landet og kan tilby «no cure no pay». Om det er av interesse tilbyr jeg gratis vurdering av din sak. Ta kontakt med meg for en nærmere avtale.

O H Holtas gate 21, 3678 NOTODDEN
9 most popular in Sandefjord
Licensed since 1978
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Lawyer Axel Øwre

Axel Øwre

avvik el anlegg-advokat-lawyer-advokat-lawyer-advokat-lawyer-advokat-lawyer-advokat Lawyer Oslo

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Aurlien Vordahl & Co Advokatfirma AS 14 lawyers

Axel Øwre is a lawyer in Oslo and works for Aurlien Vordahl & Co Advokatfirma AS. The company has 14 lawyers registered with the Norwegian Supervisory Council For Legal Practice. On Advokatguiden Axel Øwre has 0 reviews and an average score of 0. Last month, this profile had 13 pageviews.

Universitetsgata 22, 0162 Oslo
483 most popular in Oslo
Licensed since 1988

Axel Øwre is a lawyer in Oslo and works for Aurlien Vordahl & Co Advokatfirma AS. The company has 14 lawyers registered with the Norwegian Supervisory Council For Legal Practice. On Advokatguiden Axel Øwre has 0 reviews and an average score of 0. Last month, this profile had 13 pageviews.

Universitetsgata 22, 0162 Oslo
483 most popular in Oslo
Licensed since 1988
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Lawyer Kjell-Ove Engeseth

Kjell-Ove Engeseth

avvik el anlegg-advokat-lawyer-advokat-lawyer-advokat-lawyer-advokat-lawyer-advokat Lawyer Ski

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Advokatfirmaet Engeseth AS 1 lawyers

Kjell-Ove Engeseth is a lawyer in Ski and works for Advokatfirmaet Engeseth AS. The company has 1 lawyers registered with the Norwegian Supervisory Council For Legal Practice. On Advokatguiden Kjell-Ove Engeseth has 0 reviews and an average score of 0. Last month, this profile had 12 pageviews.

Sentrumsveien 6A
9 most popular in Ski
Licensed since 1976

Kjell-Ove Engeseth is a lawyer in Ski and works for Advokatfirmaet Engeseth AS. The company has 1 lawyers registered with the Norwegian Supervisory Council For Legal Practice. On Advokatguiden Kjell-Ove Engeseth has 0 reviews and an average score of 0. Last month, this profile had 12 pageviews.

Sentrumsveien 6A
9 most popular in Ski
Licensed since 1976
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Lawyer Paal Iuell Haugaard

Paal Iuell Haugaard

avvik el anlegg-advokat-lawyer-advokat-lawyer-advokat-lawyer-advokat-lawyer-advokat Lawyer Oslo

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Bing Hodneland Advokatselskap DA 36 lawyers

Paal Iuell Haugaard is a lawyer in Oslo and works for Bing Hodneland Advokatselskap DA. The company has 36 lawyers registered with the Norwegian Supervisory Council For Legal Practice. On Advokatguiden Paal Iuell Haugaard has 0 reviews and an average score of 0. Last month, this profile had 5 pageviews.

Fridtjof Nansens plass 4, 0160 OSLO
2194 most popular in Oslo
Licensed since 1983

Paal Iuell Haugaard is a lawyer in Oslo and works for Bing Hodneland Advokatselskap DA. The company has 36 lawyers registered with the Norwegian Supervisory Council For Legal Practice. On Advokatguiden Paal Iuell Haugaard has 0 reviews and an average score of 0. Last month, this profile had 5 pageviews.

Fridtjof Nansens plass 4, 0160 OSLO
2194 most popular in Oslo
Licensed since 1983
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Lawyer Else Bugge Fougner

Else Bugge Fougner

avvik el anlegg-advokat-lawyer-advokat-lawyer-advokat-lawyer-advokat-lawyer-advokat Lawyer Oslo

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Advokatfirmaet Hjort AS 72 lawyers

Else Bugge Fougner is a lawyer in Oslo and works for Advokatfirmaet Hjort AS. The company has 72 lawyers registered with the Norwegian Supervisory Council For Legal Practice. On Advokatguiden Else Bugge Fougner has 0 reviews and an average score of 0. Last month, this profile had 1 pageviews.

Akersgaten 51, 0180 OSLO
4680 most popular in Oslo
Licensed since 1997

Else Bugge Fougner is a lawyer in Oslo and works for Advokatfirmaet Hjort AS. The company has 72 lawyers registered with the Norwegian Supervisory Council For Legal Practice. On Advokatguiden Else Bugge Fougner has 0 reviews and an average score of 0. Last month, this profile had 1 pageviews.

Akersgaten 51, 0180 OSLO
4680 most popular in Oslo
Licensed since 1997
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Lawyer Aksel Olav Hillestad

Aksel Olav Hillestad

avvik el anlegg-advokat-lawyer-advokat-lawyer-advokat-lawyer-advokat-lawyer-advokat Lawyer Oslo

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Advokat Aksel O. Hillestad 1 lawyers

Aksel Olav Hillestad is a lawyer in Oslo and works for Advokat Aksel O. Hillestad. The company has 1 lawyers registered with the Norwegian Supervisory Council For Legal Practice. On Advokatguiden Aksel Olav Hillestad has 0 reviews and an average score of 0. Last month, this profile had 1 pageviews.

Lørenveien 37, 0585 OSLO
4681 most popular in Oslo
Licensed since 1976

Aksel Olav Hillestad is a lawyer in Oslo and works for Advokat Aksel O. Hillestad. The company has 1 lawyers registered with the Norwegian Supervisory Council For Legal Practice. On Advokatguiden Aksel Olav Hillestad has 0 reviews and an average score of 0. Last month, this profile had 1 pageviews.

Lørenveien 37, 0585 OSLO
4681 most popular in Oslo
Licensed since 1976
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Lawyer Ådne Jareld

Ådne Jareld

avvik el anlegg-advokat-lawyer-advokat-lawyer-advokat-lawyer-advokat-lawyer-advokat Lawyer Oslo

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Advokatfirmaet Jareld AS 1 lawyers

Ådne Jareld is a lawyer in Oslo and works for Advokatfirmaet Jareld AS. The company has 1 lawyers registered with the Norwegian Supervisory Council For Legal Practice. On Advokatguiden Ådne Jareld has 0 reviews and an average score of 0. Last month, this profile had 8 pageviews.

Fridtjof Nansens vei 19, 0369 OSLO
1143 most popular in Oslo
Licensed since 1983

Ådne Jareld is a lawyer in Oslo and works for Advokatfirmaet Jareld AS. The company has 1 lawyers registered with the Norwegian Supervisory Council For Legal Practice. On Advokatguiden Ådne Jareld has 0 reviews and an average score of 0. Last month, this profile had 8 pageviews.

Fridtjof Nansens vei 19, 0369 OSLO
1143 most popular in Oslo
Licensed since 1983
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Lawyer John Olav Engelsen

John Olav Engelsen

avvik el anlegg-advokat-lawyer-advokat-lawyer-advokat-lawyer-advokat-lawyer-advokat Lawyer Trondheim

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Advokat John Olav Engelsen 1 lawyers

John Olav Engelsen is a lawyer in Trondheim and works for Advokat John Olav Engelsen. The company has 1 lawyers registered with the Norwegian Supervisory Council For Legal Practice. On Advokatguiden John Olav Engelsen has 0 reviews and an average score of 0. Last month, this profile had 13 pageviews.

Olav Tryggvasonsgt. 12, 7011 TRONDHEIM
62 most popular in Trondheim
Licensed since 1983

John Olav Engelsen is a lawyer in Trondheim and works for Advokat John Olav Engelsen. The company has 1 lawyers registered with the Norwegian Supervisory Council For Legal Practice. On Advokatguiden John Olav Engelsen has 0 reviews and an average score of 0. Last month, this profile had 13 pageviews.

Olav Tryggvasonsgt. 12, 7011 TRONDHEIM
62 most popular in Trondheim
Licensed since 1983
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Trenger du advokat som jobber med avvik el anlegg-advokat-lawyer-advokat-lawyer-advokat-lawyer-advokat-lawyer-advokat? er en komplett oversikt over alle norske advokater, advokatfullmektiger og rettshjelpere. Vi har over 10.000 registrerte profiler, komplett med informasjon om navn, tittel, firma, telefon, e-post, adresse og mer. På denne siden finner du informasjon om registrerte advokater som jobber med avvik el anlegg-advokat-lawyer-advokat-lawyer-advokat-lawyer-advokat-lawyer-advokat. Vi hjelper deg å finne en advokat som passer dine behov ved å sammenligne tusenvis av profiler. Du kan lese anmeldelser fra andre kunder og dele dine egne erfaringer. Du kan også filtrere søkeresultatet for avvik el anlegg-advokat-lawyer-advokat-lawyer-advokat-lawyer-advokat-lawyer-advokat basert på avstand, vurderinger og pris.