Forsikringsrett Advokater i Norge

Finn den beste advokaten innen forsikringsrett: er en kostnadsfri ressurs som gir deg tilgang til en omfattende oversikt over advokater, advokatfullmektiger og rettshjelpere i Norge. Med omtrent 10.000 registrerte profiler får du detaljert informasjon om navn, tittel, firma, telefon, e-post, adresse, priser og mer.

439 Forsikringsrett lawyers in Norway 36 reviewed lawyers working with Forsikringsrett in Norway
Last update: December 2024
Lawyer Kristian Bårseth

Kristian Bårseth is a lawyer in Oslo and works for Dalan Advokatfirma DA. The company has 25 lawyers registered with the Norwegian Supervisory Council For Legal Practice. On Advokatguiden Kristian Bårseth has 0 reviews and an average score of 0. Last month, this profile had 6 pageviews.

Fridtjof Nansens plass 6, 0160 Oslo
2477 most popular in Oslo

Kristian Bårseth is a lawyer in Oslo and works for Dalan Advokatfirma DA. The company has 25 lawyers registered with the Norwegian Supervisory Council For Legal Practice. On Advokatguiden Kristian Bårseth has 0 reviews and an average score of 0. Last month, this profile had 6 pageviews.

Fridtjof Nansens plass 6, 0160 Oslo
2477 most popular in Oslo
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Jeg har flere års erfaring med saker innenfor personskadeerstatning, forsikring, trygderett og helserett. Jeg har videre god erfaring innen utlendingsrett. Jeg påtar meg saker for klienter bosatt i hele landet.

Rådhusgaten 5B, 0151 OSLO
790 most popular in Oslo
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Lawyer Fredrik Aasen

Fredrik Aasen is a lawyer in Lysaker and works for Claims Link AS (S&P). The company has 30 lawyers registered with the Norwegian Supervisory Council For Legal Practice. On Advokatguiden Fredrik Aasen has 33 reviews and an average score of 5.0. Last month, this profile had 26 pageviews. Read lawyer Fredrik Aasen's reviews here .

Lysaker Torg 15, 1366 Lysaker
6 most popular in Lysaker
Licensed since 2020

Fredrik Aasen is a lawyer in Lysaker and works for Claims Link AS (S&P). The company has 30 lawyers registered with the Norwegian Supervisory Council For Legal Practice. On Advokatguiden Fredrik Aasen has 33 reviews and an average score of 5.0. Last month, this profile had 26 pageviews. Read lawyer Fredrik Aasen's reviews here .

Lysaker Torg 15, 1366 Lysaker
6 most popular in Lysaker
Licensed since 2020
33 reviews

Fredrik Aasen bisto i en reklamasjonssak vedrørende vår enebolig. Fikk raskt og effektiv hjelp. Svarte raskt ved henvendelser pr. e-post. Oppfattet han som svært ryddig, god på å forklare overfor oss ...

Fikk hurtig og meget profesjonell hjelp til å få hevet en kontrakt ved et kjøp av ubebygd tomt. Rask,presis og profesjonell hjelp var helt avgjørende for at motpart, etter en kort runde med kommunika...

Advokat Fredrik Aasen har hjulpet oss i en tvist som oppstod ved kjøp av bolig. Fredrik er svært kompetent, engasjert, effektiv, og ikke minst positiv. Veldig fornøyd med juridisk rådgivning, saksga...

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Lawyer Jon Einar Martinsen

Jon Einar Martinsen is a lawyer in Oslo and works for Jernbanepersonalets Forsikring Gjensidig. The company has 2 lawyers registered with the Norwegian Supervisory Council For Legal Practice. On Advokatguiden Jon Einar Martinsen has 0 reviews and an average score of 0. Last month, this profile had 3 pageviews.

Verkstedveien 3, 0277 OSLO
3686 most popular in Oslo

Jon Einar Martinsen is a lawyer in Oslo and works for Jernbanepersonalets Forsikring Gjensidig. The company has 2 lawyers registered with the Norwegian Supervisory Council For Legal Practice. On Advokatguiden Jon Einar Martinsen has 0 reviews and an average score of 0. Last month, this profile had 3 pageviews.

Verkstedveien 3, 0277 OSLO
3686 most popular in Oslo
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Lawyer Vigdis Svennungsen

Vigdis Svennungsen is a lawyer in Oslo and works for Norges Automobil-Forbund. The company has 4 lawyers registered with the Norwegian Supervisory Council For Legal Practice. On Advokatguiden Vigdis Svennungsen has 0 reviews and an average score of 0. Last month, this profile had 10 pageviews.

Skippergata 4, 0152 Oslo
1037 most popular in Oslo

Vigdis Svennungsen is a lawyer in Oslo and works for Norges Automobil-Forbund. The company has 4 lawyers registered with the Norwegian Supervisory Council For Legal Practice. On Advokatguiden Vigdis Svennungsen has 0 reviews and an average score of 0. Last month, this profile had 10 pageviews.

Skippergata 4, 0152 Oslo
1037 most popular in Oslo
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Lawyer Simone Annette Häderle Ingeberg

Simone Annette Häderle Ingeberg is a lawyer in Oslo and works for Sands Advokatfirma DA. The company has 73 lawyers registered with the Norwegian Supervisory Council For Legal Practice. On Advokatguiden Simone Annette Häderle Ingeberg has 0 reviews and an average score of 0. Last month, this profile had 6 pageviews.

Cort Adelers gate 33, 0254 OSLO
2260 most popular in Oslo

Simone Annette Häderle Ingeberg is a lawyer in Oslo and works for Sands Advokatfirma DA. The company has 73 lawyers registered with the Norwegian Supervisory Council For Legal Practice. On Advokatguiden Simone Annette Häderle Ingeberg has 0 reviews and an average score of 0. Last month, this profile had 6 pageviews.

Cort Adelers gate 33, 0254 OSLO
2260 most popular in Oslo
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Lawyer Camilla Wiermyhr

Camilla Wiermyhr is a lawyer in Oslo and works for Advokatfirmaet Briskerud & Wiermyhr DA. The company has 2 lawyers registered with the Norwegian Supervisory Council For Legal Practice. On Advokatguiden Camilla Wiermyhr has 1 reviews and an average score of 5.0. Last month, this profile had 16 pageviews. Read lawyer Camilla Wiermyhr's reviews here .

Ekebergveien 16 A, 1356 Bekkestua
421 most popular in Oslo

Camilla Wiermyhr is a lawyer in Oslo and works for Advokatfirmaet Briskerud & Wiermyhr DA. The company has 2 lawyers registered with the Norwegian Supervisory Council For Legal Practice. On Advokatguiden Camilla Wiermyhr has 1 reviews and an average score of 5.0. Last month, this profile had 16 pageviews. Read lawyer Camilla Wiermyhr's reviews here .

Ekebergveien 16 A, 1356 Bekkestua
421 most popular in Oslo
1 review

Gjennom lang og tidkrevende prosess i erstatningssak mot forsikringsselskap gjennom først tingretten og så videre i lagmannsretten har advokaten i denne perioden vist utmerkede kvaliteter i alle fase...

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Lawyer Ole Andresen

Ole Andresen is a lawyer in Lysaker and works for Norwegian Hospitality Group AS. The company has 1 lawyers registered with the Norwegian Supervisory Council For Legal Practice. On Advokatguiden Ole Andresen has 1 reviews and an average score of 4.5. Last month, this profile had 18 pageviews. Read lawyer Ole Andresen's reviews here .

Bygdøy allé 23, 0262 OSLO
17 most popular in Lysaker
Licensed since 1983

Ole Andresen is a lawyer in Lysaker and works for Norwegian Hospitality Group AS. The company has 1 lawyers registered with the Norwegian Supervisory Council For Legal Practice. On Advokatguiden Ole Andresen has 1 reviews and an average score of 4.5. Last month, this profile had 18 pageviews. Read lawyer Ole Andresen's reviews here .

Bygdøy allé 23, 0262 OSLO
17 most popular in Lysaker
Licensed since 1983
1 review

Foredragsholdere til Autorisasjon fra Forsikringsakademiets og BI’s regler.

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Lawyer Ragnar Falck Paulsen

Ragnar Falck Paulsen is a lawyer in Stavanger and works for Advokat Ragnar Falck Paulsen. The company has 1 lawyers registered with the Norwegian Supervisory Council For Legal Practice. On Advokatguiden Ragnar Falck Paulsen has 1 reviews and an average score of 4.0. Last month, this profile had 19 pageviews. Read lawyer Ragnar Falck Paulsen's reviews here .

Kirkegaten 31,2. et., 4006 STAVANGER
47 most popular in Stavanger
Licensed since 1997

Ragnar Falck Paulsen is a lawyer in Stavanger and works for Advokat Ragnar Falck Paulsen. The company has 1 lawyers registered with the Norwegian Supervisory Council For Legal Practice. On Advokatguiden Ragnar Falck Paulsen has 1 reviews and an average score of 4.0. Last month, this profile had 19 pageviews. Read lawyer Ragnar Falck Paulsen's reviews here .

Kirkegaten 31,2. et., 4006 STAVANGER
47 most popular in Stavanger
Licensed since 1997
1 review

Bistand i forbindelse med samværsproblematikk, og god veiledning og støtte i forbindelse med rettssak.

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Lawyer Bjørn Rener-Larsen

Bjørn Rener-Larsen is a lawyer in Arendal and works for Advokatfirma Tofte Hald AS, avdeling Arendal. The company has 14 lawyers registered with the Norwegian Supervisory Council For Legal Practice. On Advokatguiden Bjørn Rener-Larsen has 2 reviews and an average score of 3.0. Last month, this profile had 31 pageviews. Read lawyer Bjørn Rener-Larsen's reviews here .

Otterslandgården,Tyholmen, Agder
5 most popular in Arendal
Licensed since 1999

Bjørn Rener-Larsen is a lawyer in Arendal and works for Advokatfirma Tofte Hald AS, avdeling Arendal. The company has 14 lawyers registered with the Norwegian Supervisory Council For Legal Practice. On Advokatguiden Bjørn Rener-Larsen has 2 reviews and an average score of 3.0. Last month, this profile had 31 pageviews. Read lawyer Bjørn Rener-Larsen's reviews here .

Otterslandgården,Tyholmen, Agder
5 most popular in Arendal
Licensed since 1999
2 reviews

Tar på seg en sak han ikke har kompetanse på. Man må hele tiden etterlyse infomasjon i saken. Sender ikke vidre viktig informasjon og trenerer tiden. Mister oversikt i Mail osv. Alt i alt ekstremt dår...

En som virkelig setter seg inn i sakene ift gjeldende lovverk. Anbefales på det varmeste.

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Lawyer Hugo Haarr Dybwad

Hugo Haarr Dybwad is a lawyer in Stavanger and works for Advokat Hugo H. Dybwad. The company has 1 lawyers registered with the Norwegian Supervisory Council For Legal Practice. On Advokatguiden Hugo Haarr Dybwad has 1 reviews and an average score of 2.0. Last month, this profile had 18 pageviews. Read lawyer Hugo Haarr Dybwad's reviews here .

Kirkegaten 31,2. et., 4006 STAVANGER
53 most popular in Stavanger
Licensed since 2000

Hugo Haarr Dybwad is a lawyer in Stavanger and works for Advokat Hugo H. Dybwad. The company has 1 lawyers registered with the Norwegian Supervisory Council For Legal Practice. On Advokatguiden Hugo Haarr Dybwad has 1 reviews and an average score of 2.0. Last month, this profile had 18 pageviews. Read lawyer Hugo Haarr Dybwad's reviews here .

Kirkegaten 31,2. et., 4006 STAVANGER
53 most popular in Stavanger
Licensed since 2000
Under average
1 review

God støttespillere som ALLTID er tilgjengelig, men faglig føler jeg at det mangler mye, desverre

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Lawyer Ole Edward Hagen

Ole Edward Hagen is a lawyer in Lillestrøm and works for Advokatfirmaet Økland & Co DA. The company has 31 lawyers registered with the Norwegian Supervisory Council For Legal Practice. On Advokatguiden Ole Edward Hagen has 1 reviews and an average score of 1.8. Last month, this profile had 20 pageviews. Read lawyer Ole Edward Hagen's reviews here .

Sørumsandvegen 71 A, 1920 SØRUMSAND
23 most popular in Lillestrøm
Licensed since 1983

Ole Edward Hagen is a lawyer in Lillestrøm and works for Advokatfirmaet Økland & Co DA. The company has 31 lawyers registered with the Norwegian Supervisory Council For Legal Practice. On Advokatguiden Ole Edward Hagen has 1 reviews and an average score of 1.8. Last month, this profile had 20 pageviews. Read lawyer Ole Edward Hagen's reviews here .

Sørumsandvegen 71 A, 1920 SØRUMSAND
23 most popular in Lillestrøm
Licensed since 1983
Not recommended
1 review

Faktura kom i to deler hvor totaltpris var over dobbelt av det han selv antok som pris. Mye feil og skrivefeil i arbeidet som han senere fakturerte for å rette opp i. Ikke oppdatert på digitale løsnin...

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Lawyer Anna Therese Flatmo

Anna Therese Flatmo is a lawyer in Støren and works for Advokat Anna Therese Flatmo AS. The company has 1 lawyers registered with the Norwegian Supervisory Council For Legal Practice. On Advokatguiden Anna Therese Flatmo has 1 reviews and an average score of 1.0. Last month, this profile had 10 pageviews. Read lawyer Anna Therese Flatmo's reviews here .

1 most popular in Støren
Licensed since 2002

Anna Therese Flatmo is a lawyer in Støren and works for Advokat Anna Therese Flatmo AS. The company has 1 lawyers registered with the Norwegian Supervisory Council For Legal Practice. On Advokatguiden Anna Therese Flatmo has 1 reviews and an average score of 1.0. Last month, this profile had 10 pageviews. Read lawyer Anna Therese Flatmo's reviews here .

1 most popular in Støren
Licensed since 2002
Not recommended
1 review

Jeg anbefaler ingen å bruke denne advokaten. Jeg vil ingen så vondt. Prosessuell helt ubrukelig. Sendte stadig dokumenter til feil steder. Benektet sine egne skriftlige oppdragsbekreftelser. Sendte ul...

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Lawyer Søren Hielm Friis

Søren Hielm Friis er født i 1951 og har hatt advokatbevilling siden 1984. Han har arbeidet på Oslo Ligningskontor, først som juridisk konsulent senere som førstekonsulent, frem til 1. oktober 1982 og har siden vært i advokatyrket. Han har drevet eget firma siden 1985. Fra Universitetet var boligrett hans spesialfag. Han har tilleggseksamener ved BI i bedriftsøkonomi, regnskap og skatterett og har autorisasjon som regnskapsfører også i tillegg til advokatbevillingen. Søren er først og fremst interessert i prosedyrearbeid som advokat (liker å gå i retten). Har prosedert alle slags saker, i alle instanser, også i Høyesterett, der han så langt har hatt en prøvesak. Søren har størst kompetanse innenfor rettsområdene skatterett, erstatningsrett, forsikringsrett, strafferett, selskapsrett, familie-/arverett, opphavsrett, kjennetegnsrett (varemerker), boligrett og fast eiendoms rettsspørsmål. Søren Hielm Friis kan kontaktes direkte på e-post: og mobiltelefon 95998372

Leangbukta 40, 1392 VETTRE
2 most popular in Slependen

Søren Hielm Friis er født i 1951 og har hatt advokatbevilling siden 1984. Han har arbeidet på Oslo Ligningskontor, først som juridisk konsulent senere som førstekonsulent, frem til 1. oktober 1982 og har siden vært i advokatyrket. Han har drevet eget firma siden 1985. Fra Universitetet var boligrett hans spesialfag. Han har tilleggseksamener ved BI i bedriftsøkonomi, regnskap og skatterett og har autorisasjon som regnskapsfører også i tillegg til advokatbevillingen. Søren er først og fremst interessert i prosedyrearbeid som advokat (liker å gå i retten). Har prosedert alle slags saker, i alle instanser, også i Høyesterett, der han så langt har hatt en prøvesak. Søren har størst kompetanse innenfor rettsområdene skatterett, erstatningsrett, forsikringsrett, strafferett, selskapsrett, familie-/arverett, opphavsrett, kjennetegnsrett (varemerker), boligrett og fast eiendoms rettsspørsmål. Søren Hielm Friis kan kontaktes direkte på e-post: og mobiltelefon 95998372

Leangbukta 40, 1392 VETTRE
2 most popular in Slependen
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Lawyer Viggo Scherger

Viggo Scherger is a lawyer in Oslo and works for Rime Advokatfirma DA. The company has 15 lawyers registered with the Norwegian Supervisory Council For Legal Practice. On Advokatguiden Viggo Scherger has 0 reviews and an average score of 0. Last month, this profile had 8 pageviews.

Tollbugt. 27,inng. Øvre Slottsgate, 0157 Oslo
1392 most popular in Oslo
Licensed since 1988

Viggo Scherger is a lawyer in Oslo and works for Rime Advokatfirma DA. The company has 15 lawyers registered with the Norwegian Supervisory Council For Legal Practice. On Advokatguiden Viggo Scherger has 0 reviews and an average score of 0. Last month, this profile had 8 pageviews.

Tollbugt. 27,inng. Øvre Slottsgate, 0157 Oslo
1392 most popular in Oslo
Licensed since 1988
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Lawyer Ole Johan Berge

Ole Johan Berge is a lawyer in Haugesund and works for Advokat Ole Johan Berge. The company has 1 lawyers registered with the Norwegian Supervisory Council For Legal Practice. On Advokatguiden Ole Johan Berge has 0 reviews and an average score of 0. Last month, this profile had 10 pageviews.

Sørhauggt. 77, 5528 Rogaland
30 most popular in Haugesund
Licensed since 1986

Ole Johan Berge is a lawyer in Haugesund and works for Advokat Ole Johan Berge. The company has 1 lawyers registered with the Norwegian Supervisory Council For Legal Practice. On Advokatguiden Ole Johan Berge has 0 reviews and an average score of 0. Last month, this profile had 10 pageviews.

Sørhauggt. 77, 5528 Rogaland
30 most popular in Haugesund
Licensed since 1986
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Lawyer Erik Blaker

Erik Blaker is a lawyer in Oslo and works for Advokatfirmaet Wiersholm AS. The company has 172 lawyers registered with the Norwegian Supervisory Council For Legal Practice. On Advokatguiden Erik Blaker has 0 reviews and an average score of 0. Last month, this profile had 19 pageviews.

Dokkveien 1, 0250 Oslo
315 most popular in Oslo
Licensed since 1981

Erik Blaker is a lawyer in Oslo and works for Advokatfirmaet Wiersholm AS. The company has 172 lawyers registered with the Norwegian Supervisory Council For Legal Practice. On Advokatguiden Erik Blaker has 0 reviews and an average score of 0. Last month, this profile had 19 pageviews.

Dokkveien 1, 0250 Oslo
315 most popular in Oslo
Licensed since 1981
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Lawyer Ketil Harald Brønner

Ketil Harald Brønner is a lawyer in Oslo and works for Advokatfirmaet Brønner & Co DA. The company has 4 lawyers registered with the Norwegian Supervisory Council For Legal Practice. On Advokatguiden Ketil Harald Brønner has 0 reviews and an average score of 0. Last month, this profile had 1 pageviews.

Fr. Nansens plass 7, 0160 Oslo
4808 most popular in Oslo
Licensed since 1977

Ketil Harald Brønner is a lawyer in Oslo and works for Advokatfirmaet Brønner & Co DA. The company has 4 lawyers registered with the Norwegian Supervisory Council For Legal Practice. On Advokatguiden Ketil Harald Brønner has 0 reviews and an average score of 0. Last month, this profile had 1 pageviews.

Fr. Nansens plass 7, 0160 Oslo
4808 most popular in Oslo
Licensed since 1977
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Lawyer Arne Helge Elvestuen

Trenger du bistand i en erstatningssak etter yrkes-, trafikk-, pasientskade, forsikringsrett eller skade på en gjenstand? Jeg har spesialkompetanse og mer enn 35-års erfaring med slike type saker. Jeg bistår klienter over hele landet og kan tilby «no cure no pay». Om det er av interesse tilbyr jeg gratis vurdering av din sak. Ta kontakt med meg for en nærmere avtale.

O H Holtas gate 21, 3678 NOTODDEN
12 most popular in Sandefjord
Licensed since 1978

Trenger du bistand i en erstatningssak etter yrkes-, trafikk-, pasientskade, forsikringsrett eller skade på en gjenstand? Jeg har spesialkompetanse og mer enn 35-års erfaring med slike type saker. Jeg bistår klienter over hele landet og kan tilby «no cure no pay». Om det er av interesse tilbyr jeg gratis vurdering av din sak. Ta kontakt med meg for en nærmere avtale.

O H Holtas gate 21, 3678 NOTODDEN
12 most popular in Sandefjord
Licensed since 1978
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Lawyer Geir Sigurd Dahlskås

Geir Sigurd Dahlskås is a lawyer in Oslo and works for Advokatfirmaet Rogstad AS. The company has 27 lawyers registered with the Norwegian Supervisory Council For Legal Practice. On Advokatguiden Geir Sigurd Dahlskås has 0 reviews and an average score of 0. Last month, this profile had 9 pageviews.

Kruses gate 11, 0263 OSLO
1151 most popular in Oslo
Licensed since 1989

Geir Sigurd Dahlskås is a lawyer in Oslo and works for Advokatfirmaet Rogstad AS. The company has 27 lawyers registered with the Norwegian Supervisory Council For Legal Practice. On Advokatguiden Geir Sigurd Dahlskås has 0 reviews and an average score of 0. Last month, this profile had 9 pageviews.

Kruses gate 11, 0263 OSLO
1151 most popular in Oslo
Licensed since 1989
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Lawyer Dagfinn Strønstad

Dagfinn Strønstad is a lawyer in Tromsø and works for Advokat Dagfinn Strønstad AS. The company has 1 lawyers registered with the Norwegian Supervisory Council For Legal Practice. On Advokatguiden Dagfinn Strønstad has 0 reviews and an average score of 0. Last month, this profile had 11 pageviews.

Strandtorget 3, 9008 TROMSØ
41 most popular in Tromsø
Licensed since 1981

Dagfinn Strønstad is a lawyer in Tromsø and works for Advokat Dagfinn Strønstad AS. The company has 1 lawyers registered with the Norwegian Supervisory Council For Legal Practice. On Advokatguiden Dagfinn Strønstad has 0 reviews and an average score of 0. Last month, this profile had 11 pageviews.

Strandtorget 3, 9008 TROMSØ
41 most popular in Tromsø
Licensed since 1981
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Lawyer Robert Robertsen

Robert Robertsen is a lawyer in Trondheim and works for Advokatfirmaet Robertsen AS. The company has 8 lawyers registered with the Norwegian Supervisory Council For Legal Practice. On Advokatguiden Robert Robertsen has 0 reviews and an average score of 0. Last month, this profile had 6 pageviews.

Advokatgården,Richard Withgt. 5, 7011 Trøndelag
193 most popular in Trondheim
Licensed since 1967

Robert Robertsen is a lawyer in Trondheim and works for Advokatfirmaet Robertsen AS. The company has 8 lawyers registered with the Norwegian Supervisory Council For Legal Practice. On Advokatguiden Robert Robertsen has 0 reviews and an average score of 0. Last month, this profile had 6 pageviews.

Advokatgården,Richard Withgt. 5, 7011 Trøndelag
193 most popular in Trondheim
Licensed since 1967
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Lawyer Jan Gunnar Ness

Jan Gunnar Ness is a lawyer in Oslo and works for Advokatfirmaet Ness Lundin DA. The company has 9 lawyers registered with the Norwegian Supervisory Council For Legal Practice. On Advokatguiden Jan Gunnar Ness has 0 reviews and an average score of 0. Last month, this profile had 4 pageviews.

Universitetsgata 8, 0164 OSLO
3057 most popular in Oslo
Licensed since 1986

Jan Gunnar Ness is a lawyer in Oslo and works for Advokatfirmaet Ness Lundin DA. The company has 9 lawyers registered with the Norwegian Supervisory Council For Legal Practice. On Advokatguiden Jan Gunnar Ness has 0 reviews and an average score of 0. Last month, this profile had 4 pageviews.

Universitetsgata 8, 0164 OSLO
3057 most popular in Oslo
Licensed since 1986
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Lawyer Johan Fredrik Gjesdahl

Johan Fredrik Gjesdahl is a lawyer in Kristiansand and works for Advokatfirma Wigemyr & Co DA. The company has 18 lawyers registered with the Norwegian Supervisory Council For Legal Practice. On Advokatguiden Johan Fredrik Gjesdahl has 0 reviews and an average score of 0. Last month, this profile had 14 pageviews.

Vestre Strandgt. 23, 4611 KRISTIANSAND S
27 most popular in Kristiansand
Licensed since 2001

Johan Fredrik Gjesdahl is a lawyer in Kristiansand and works for Advokatfirma Wigemyr & Co DA. The company has 18 lawyers registered with the Norwegian Supervisory Council For Legal Practice. On Advokatguiden Johan Fredrik Gjesdahl has 0 reviews and an average score of 0. Last month, this profile had 14 pageviews.

Vestre Strandgt. 23, 4611 KRISTIANSAND S
27 most popular in Kristiansand
Licensed since 2001
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Lawyer Bernhard Halvorsen

Bernhard Halvorsen is a lawyer in Oslo and works for Frogner Advokatkontor Halvorsen. The company has 2 lawyers registered with the Norwegian Supervisory Council For Legal Practice. On Advokatguiden Bernhard Halvorsen has 0 reviews and an average score of 0. Last month, this profile had 1 pageviews.

Maries gate 5,Majorstuen, 0368 OSLO
4810 most popular in Oslo

Bernhard Halvorsen is a lawyer in Oslo and works for Frogner Advokatkontor Halvorsen. The company has 2 lawyers registered with the Norwegian Supervisory Council For Legal Practice. On Advokatguiden Bernhard Halvorsen has 0 reviews and an average score of 0. Last month, this profile had 1 pageviews.

Maries gate 5,Majorstuen, 0368 OSLO
4810 most popular in Oslo
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Lawyer Harald Pleym

Harald Pleym is a lawyer in Tromsø and works for Advokatfirmaet Rekve, Pleym & Co DA. The company has 10 lawyers registered with the Norwegian Supervisory Council For Legal Practice. On Advokatguiden Harald Pleym has 0 reviews and an average score of 0. Last month, this profile had 8 pageviews.

Grønnegt. 76, 9008 Troms Og Finnmark
60 most popular in Tromsø
Licensed since 1978

Harald Pleym is a lawyer in Tromsø and works for Advokatfirmaet Rekve, Pleym & Co DA. The company has 10 lawyers registered with the Norwegian Supervisory Council For Legal Practice. On Advokatguiden Harald Pleym has 0 reviews and an average score of 0. Last month, this profile had 8 pageviews.

Grønnegt. 76, 9008 Troms Og Finnmark
60 most popular in Tromsø
Licensed since 1978
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Lawyer Tomm Berger

Tomm Berger is a lawyer in Moss and works for Advokatfirmaet Tomm Berger. The company has 1 lawyers registered with the Norwegian Supervisory Council For Legal Practice. On Advokatguiden Tomm Berger has 0 reviews and an average score of 0. Last month, this profile had 17 pageviews.

Storgt. 5a, 8006 Nordland
17 most popular in Moss
Licensed since 1980

Tomm Berger is a lawyer in Moss and works for Advokatfirmaet Tomm Berger. The company has 1 lawyers registered with the Norwegian Supervisory Council For Legal Practice. On Advokatguiden Tomm Berger has 0 reviews and an average score of 0. Last month, this profile had 17 pageviews.

Storgt. 5a, 8006 Nordland
17 most popular in Moss
Licensed since 1980
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Jon August Larsen is a lawyer in Fredrikstad and works for Advokat Jon A Larsen AS. The company has 1 lawyers registered with the Norwegian Supervisory Council For Legal Practice. On Advokatguiden Jon August Larsen has 0 reviews and an average score of 0. Last month, this profile had 11 pageviews.

27 most popular in Fredrikstad
Licensed since 1978
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Lawyer Jan Bakke

Jan Bakke is a lawyer in Bergen and works for Advokat Asgeir Thomassen. The company has 2 lawyers registered with the Norwegian Supervisory Council For Legal Practice. On Advokatguiden Jan Bakke has 0 reviews and an average score of 0. Last month, this profile had 11 pageviews.

Lille Markevei 18,3 etg, 5005 BERGEN
148 most popular in Bergen

Jan Bakke is a lawyer in Bergen and works for Advokat Asgeir Thomassen. The company has 2 lawyers registered with the Norwegian Supervisory Council For Legal Practice. On Advokatguiden Jan Bakke has 0 reviews and an average score of 0. Last month, this profile had 11 pageviews.

Lille Markevei 18,3 etg, 5005 BERGEN
148 most popular in Bergen
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Lawyer Eivind Kogstad

Eivind Kogstad is a lawyer in Oslo and works for Advokat Eivind Kogstad Holding AS. The company has 1 lawyers registered with the Norwegian Supervisory Council For Legal Practice. On Advokatguiden Eivind Kogstad has 0 reviews and an average score of 0. Last month, this profile had 8 pageviews.

Fridtjof Nansens Plass 9, 0160 Oslo
1402 most popular in Oslo
Licensed since 1984

Eivind Kogstad is a lawyer in Oslo and works for Advokat Eivind Kogstad Holding AS. The company has 1 lawyers registered with the Norwegian Supervisory Council For Legal Practice. On Advokatguiden Eivind Kogstad has 0 reviews and an average score of 0. Last month, this profile had 8 pageviews.

Fridtjof Nansens Plass 9, 0160 Oslo
1402 most popular in Oslo
Licensed since 1984
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