The law firm is specialising in criminal procedure, civil litigation, administrative litigation and dispute resolution. In criminal cases I offer assistance both as a defence attorney and as a legal council for victims of criminal acts. In the areas of civil litigation and dispute resolution I offer assistance in litigation, mediation and negotiation in disputes with respect to contract law and tort law. I also offer assistance as a litigator in administrative cases, both before the ordinary cou...
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Advokatguiden calculates the ranking of all lawyers, based on reviews they receive from former clients and profile views on our platform. The number of reviews, the overall score and the number of profile views are decisive for the ranking. Below, you can see how David Undersrud compares against other lawyers, in the legal categories he works with.
Løvenskiolds gate 12 A
0260 Oslo
Løvenskiolds gate 12 A
0260 Oslo