Kanwal Arzoo Suleman is a lawyer in Oslo and works for Advokatfirmaet Lippestad AS. The company has 7 lawyers registered with the Norwegian Supervisory Council For Legal Practice. On Advokatguiden Kanwal Arzoo Suleman has 0 reviews and an average score of 0. Last month, this profile had 21 pageviews.
HR, HMS, arbeidstvister, oppsigelse, avskjed, nedbemanning, lønnsforhandling, tariffoppgjør, lønnsoppgjør, ledelse, suspensjon, drøftingsmøte, arbeidsmiljøloven, erstatning, oppreising, søksmål
Arveoppgjør, testament, bobehandling, skifteret
Utviklingskontrakter, leveransekontrakter, avtaleinngåelse, kontraktsforhandlinger, kjøpsavtaler, avtaletvister, kontraktstvister
samlivsbrudd, barnefordeling, foreldretvist, ektepakter, samboeravtaler, fremtidsfullmakt, felleseie, vergemål, støtteordninger, skole, utdanning
Eiendomsutbygging, eiendomsprosjekter
Forhandlinger, rettsprosess, vitneførsel, straffeprosess, saksbehandling, veiledning, bevisførsel, hovedforhandlinger, ankeforhandlinger, innledningsforedrag
Advokatguiden calculates the ranking of all lawyers, based on reviews they receive from former clients and profile views on our platform. The number of reviews, the overall score and the number of profile views are decisive for the ranking. Below, you can see how Kanwal Arzoo Suleman compares against other lawyers, in the legal categories he works with.