Legal assistant Gro Hiis Wallmark

Spesialisering innen arve- og familierett, kontraktsrett, arbeidsrett og fremtidsfullmakter. Herunder utarbeidelse av juridiske dokumenter (f.eks testament, ektepakt, fremtidsfullmakt, skifteavtaler, fratredelsesavtaler og arbeidsavtaler) Ved å tilby juridisk bistand til rimelig pris ønsker jeg at terskelen skal være lav for å ta kontakt. Erfaringsmessig vil det ofte spare deg for bekymring, og det er også lettere å finne en løsning om du kjenner regelverk, rettigheter og plikter tidlig i prosessen. Jeg har hatt bevilling fra advokattilsynet siden 2010. Jeg har stort fokus på godt og forutsigbart klientsamarbeid. Hos meg har du full oversikt over påløpte kostnader og dermed får du ingen ubehagelige overraskelser når fakturaen kommer. Jeg setter meg grundig inn i din sak og er ærlig om hvilke konsekvenser/utfall saken kan få. Jeg har møtelokale i Bergen sentrum, men tilbyr også bistand via nett og telefon.

Lars Hillesgate, 5063 BERGEN
4 most popular in Bergen

Spesialisering innen arve- og familierett, kontraktsrett, arbeidsrett og fremtidsfullmakter. Herunder utarbeidelse av juridiske dokumenter (f.eks testament, ektepakt, fremtidsfullmakt, skifteavtaler, fratredelsesavtaler og arbeidsavtaler) Ved å tilby juridisk bistand til rimelig pris ønsker jeg at terskelen skal være lav for å ta kontakt. Erfaringsmessig vil det ofte spare deg for bekymring, og det er også lettere å finne en løsning om du kjenner regelverk, rettigheter og plikter tidlig i prosessen. Jeg har hatt bevilling fra advokattilsynet siden 2010. Jeg har stort fokus på godt og forutsigbart klientsamarbeid. Hos meg har du full oversikt over påløpte kostnader og dermed får du ingen ubehagelige overraskelser når fakturaen kommer. Jeg setter meg grundig inn i din sak og er ærlig om hvilke konsekvenser/utfall saken kan få. Jeg har møtelokale i Bergen sentrum, men tilbyr også bistand via nett og telefon.

Lars Hillesgate, 5063 BERGEN
4 most popular in Bergen
17 reviews
Recently reviewed with 5.0/5

Jeg hadde behov for juridisk assistanse, og fant Gro Hiis Wallmark etter et google-søk. Anmeldelsene var gode, og jeg tok kontakt. Fikk svar svært raskt. Hun forsto mitt behov, og jeg fikk alle svaren...

Gro ga meg enestående service. Kommunikasjonen var alltid klar og fullstendig. Hun viste god juridisk innsikt og var hele veien fokusert på mine interesser. Gro presenterte meg for flere mulige frem...

Vi fikk raskt time, kommunikasjonen under møtet var presis og forståelig. Dokumentene som skulle underskrives ble raskt og sikkert gjort tilgjengelig for oss.

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Lawyer Iga Ewa Golabek

Iga Ewa Golabek is a lawyer in Oslo and works for Golabek Advokatfirma AS. The company has 1 lawyers registered with the Norwegian Supervisory Council For Legal Practice. On Advokatguiden Iga Ewa Golabek has 6 reviews and an average score of 5.0. Last month, this profile had 82 pageviews. Read lawyer Iga Ewa Golabek's reviews here .

73 most popular in Oslo

Iga Ewa Golabek is a lawyer in Oslo and works for Golabek Advokatfirma AS. The company has 1 lawyers registered with the Norwegian Supervisory Council For Legal Practice. On Advokatguiden Iga Ewa Golabek has 6 reviews and an average score of 5.0. Last month, this profile had 82 pageviews. Read lawyer Iga Ewa Golabek's reviews here .

73 most popular in Oslo
6 reviews

Z wielką przyjemnością mogę polecić Panią Igę Gołąbek za pełen profesjonalizm, skuteczność i ogromną wiedzę na każdym etapie sprawy oraz świetny kontakt, szybką i konkretną odpowiedź na nurtujące mnie...

Jestem bardzo zadowolony że trafiłem na Panią Igę. Pełen profesjonalizm 💪. Najlepszy adwokat jakiego spotkałem w swoim życiu. Dwie z dwóch wygrane sprawy (100%). Inni nie dawali mi szans na wygraną a...

Polecam Panią Igę z całego serca. Pełen profesjonalizm !!! Pani Iga poświęciła mi kilka lat walki. Byłam praktycznie na przegranej pozycji, ale walka, wiedza i wiara w zwycięstwo były bardzo silne. Pa...

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Jeg har jobbet som rettshjelper siden 2003. Siden 2007 har jeg drevet Webjuristene sammen med Carl F. Kjeldsberg, fordi jeg ønsker å gi nordmenn et bra, men billig alternativ til ordinære advokater.

Nettbasert, 0165 Oslo
150 most popular in Oslo
Licensed since 2000
13 reviews

Mottok veldig god bistand fra en dyktig, effektiv og hjelpsom jurist i mitt møte med det offentlige. Hadde umulig klart å håndtere saken min uten assistansen jeg mottok fra den særdeles dyktige og kun...

utmerket kommunikasjon, rask respons, omfanget av servicen mye bedre enn forventet, saklig, klare regler for betaling, rimelige priser, og sist men ikke minst.... veldig hyggelig.

Jeg har fått hjelp i flere omganger av Nina Dybedahl, og samarbeidet har gått knirkefritt. Hun er så rask at det er jeg selv som forsinker prosessen, og da purrer Nina så vi kommer oss videre. Jeg kom...

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Lawyer Yasue Lee

Yasue Lee is a lawyer in Tønsberg and works for Rettshjelpsjuristen Yasue Lee. The company has 1 lawyers registered with the Norwegian Supervisory Council For Legal Practice. On Advokatguiden Yasue Lee has 8 reviews and an average score of 4.5. Last month, this profile had 30 pageviews. Read lawyer Yasue Lee's reviews here .

Trudvangveien 67, 3117 Tønsberg
4 most popular in Tønsberg

Yasue Lee is a lawyer in Tønsberg and works for Rettshjelpsjuristen Yasue Lee. The company has 1 lawyers registered with the Norwegian Supervisory Council For Legal Practice. On Advokatguiden Yasue Lee has 8 reviews and an average score of 4.5. Last month, this profile had 30 pageviews. Read lawyer Yasue Lee's reviews here .

Trudvangveien 67, 3117 Tønsberg
4 most popular in Tønsberg
8 reviews

Vi ønsket å skrive testamente, fikk god juridisk veiledning. Vi opplevde henne lett tilgjengelig, virkelig god hjelp til det vi var i behov av.

Jeg opplevde Yasue Lee som rask og nøyaktig, tilgjengelig og samvittighetsfull. Min sak ble fulgt opp på beste måte, helt etter mine forventninger, og lost i havn på kort tid.

Yasue Lee er virkelig en advokat jeg vil anbefale. Hun har vært til uvurderlig hjelp i et litt vanskelig arveoppgjør. Vi har hatt god kommunikasjon hele veien, både på mail og over telefon. Får je...

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Legal assistant Heidi Mette Langseth

Heidi Mette Langseth is a legal assistant in Oslo and works for Rettshjelper Anbudsjuristen AS. The company has 2 lawyers registered with the Norwegian Supervisory Council For Legal Practice. On Advokatguiden Heidi Mette Langseth has 0 reviews and an average score of 0. Last month, this profile had 6 pageviews.

C. J. Hambros plass 2C, 0164 OSLO
2426 most popular in Oslo

Heidi Mette Langseth is a legal assistant in Oslo and works for Rettshjelper Anbudsjuristen AS. The company has 2 lawyers registered with the Norwegian Supervisory Council For Legal Practice. On Advokatguiden Heidi Mette Langseth has 0 reviews and an average score of 0. Last month, this profile had 6 pageviews.

C. J. Hambros plass 2C, 0164 OSLO
2426 most popular in Oslo
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Legal assistant Leif Olav Wetten Sandbakken

Leif Olav Wetten Sandbakken is a legal assistant in Oslo and works for Rettshjelper Sandbakken Enk. The company has 1 lawyers registered with the Norwegian Supervisory Council For Legal Practice. On Advokatguiden Leif Olav Wetten Sandbakken has 0 reviews and an average score of 0. Last month, this profile had 12 pageviews.

Sorgenfrigata 14, 0365 Oslo
783 most popular in Oslo

Leif Olav Wetten Sandbakken is a legal assistant in Oslo and works for Rettshjelper Sandbakken Enk. The company has 1 lawyers registered with the Norwegian Supervisory Council For Legal Practice. On Advokatguiden Leif Olav Wetten Sandbakken has 0 reviews and an average score of 0. Last month, this profile had 12 pageviews.

Sorgenfrigata 14, 0365 Oslo
783 most popular in Oslo
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Legal assistant Gradislava Egoroff

Gradislava Egoroff is a legal assistant in Oslo and works for Rettshjelper Gradislava Egoroff. The company has 1 lawyers registered with the Norwegian Supervisory Council For Legal Practice. On Advokatguiden Gradislava Egoroff has 0 reviews and an average score of 0. Last month, this profile had 9 pageviews.

Bogstadveien 15, 0366 Oslo
1371 most popular in Oslo

Gradislava Egoroff is a legal assistant in Oslo and works for Rettshjelper Gradislava Egoroff. The company has 1 lawyers registered with the Norwegian Supervisory Council For Legal Practice. On Advokatguiden Gradislava Egoroff has 0 reviews and an average score of 0. Last month, this profile had 9 pageviews.

Bogstadveien 15, 0366 Oslo
1371 most popular in Oslo
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Legal assistant Vigdis Aysha Ekeland

Vigdis Aysha Ekeland is a legal assistant in Jessheim and works for Rettshjelpfirma Ekeland AS. The company has 1 lawyers registered with the Norwegian Supervisory Council For Legal Practice. On Advokatguiden Vigdis Aysha Ekeland has 0 reviews and an average score of 0. Last month, this profile had 8 pageviews.

14 most popular in Jessheim

Vigdis Aysha Ekeland is a legal assistant in Jessheim and works for Rettshjelpfirma Ekeland AS. The company has 1 lawyers registered with the Norwegian Supervisory Council For Legal Practice. On Advokatguiden Vigdis Aysha Ekeland has 0 reviews and an average score of 0. Last month, this profile had 8 pageviews.

14 most popular in Jessheim
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Legal assistant Anna Cecilie Westerveld Haug

Anna Cecilie Westerveld Haug is a legal assistant in Jessheim and works for RETTSHJELP WEST AS. The company has 1 lawyers registered with the Norwegian Supervisory Council For Legal Practice. On Advokatguiden Anna Cecilie Westerveld Haug has 0 reviews and an average score of 0. Last month, this profile had 7 pageviews.

Lysåsstubben 15, 2052 JESSHEIM
15 most popular in Jessheim

Anna Cecilie Westerveld Haug is a legal assistant in Jessheim and works for RETTSHJELP WEST AS. The company has 1 lawyers registered with the Norwegian Supervisory Council For Legal Practice. On Advokatguiden Anna Cecilie Westerveld Haug has 0 reviews and an average score of 0. Last month, this profile had 7 pageviews.

Lysåsstubben 15, 2052 JESSHEIM
15 most popular in Jessheim
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Legal assistant Lars Swanstrøm

Lars Swanstrøm is a legal assistant in Oslo and works for Rettshjelp for Alle AS. The company has 1 lawyers registered with the Norwegian Supervisory Council For Legal Practice. On Advokatguiden Lars Swanstrøm has 0 reviews and an average score of 0. Last month, this profile had 6 pageviews.

Bygdøy allé 65B, 0265 Oslo
2415 most popular in Oslo

Lars Swanstrøm is a legal assistant in Oslo and works for Rettshjelp for Alle AS. The company has 1 lawyers registered with the Norwegian Supervisory Council For Legal Practice. On Advokatguiden Lars Swanstrøm has 0 reviews and an average score of 0. Last month, this profile had 6 pageviews.

Bygdøy allé 65B, 0265 Oslo
2415 most popular in Oslo
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Legal assistant Terje Hermanrud

Terje Hermanrud is a legal assistant in Oslo and works for Rettshjelpfirmaet Hermanrud. The company has 1 lawyers registered with the Norwegian Supervisory Council For Legal Practice. On Advokatguiden Terje Hermanrud has 1 reviews and an average score of 4.5. Last month, this profile had 5 pageviews. Read lawyer Terje Hermanrud's reviews here .

C.J. Hambros Plass 2 A, 0164 OSLO
2693 most popular in Oslo

Terje Hermanrud is a legal assistant in Oslo and works for Rettshjelpfirmaet Hermanrud. The company has 1 lawyers registered with the Norwegian Supervisory Council For Legal Practice. On Advokatguiden Terje Hermanrud has 1 reviews and an average score of 4.5. Last month, this profile had 5 pageviews. Read lawyer Terje Hermanrud's reviews here .

C.J. Hambros Plass 2 A, 0164 OSLO
2693 most popular in Oslo
1 review

Jeg og min kone fikk god hjelp fra Hermansrud rund 2015. Vi er meget fornøyd med hans hjelp og anbefaler han på det sterkeste

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Cato Sætre is a legal assistant in Nybergsund and works for Rettshjelpfirmaet Cato Sætre. The company has 1 lawyers registered with the Norwegian Supervisory Council For Legal Practice. On Advokatguiden Cato Sætre has 0 reviews and an average score of 0. Last month, this profile had 2 pageviews.

1 most popular in Nybergsund
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Legal assistant Ivar Sigbjørn Johansønn Lindås

Ivar Sigbjørn Johansønn Lindås is a legal assistant in Honningsvåg and works for Rettshjelperfirmaet Lindås. The company has 1 lawyers registered with the Norwegian Supervisory Council For Legal Practice. On Advokatguiden Ivar Sigbjørn Johansønn Lindås has 0 reviews and an average score of 0. Last month, this profile had 10 pageviews.

Fjellveien 18 A, 9751 HONNINGSVÅG
1 most popular in Honningsvåg

Ivar Sigbjørn Johansønn Lindås is a legal assistant in Honningsvåg and works for Rettshjelperfirmaet Lindås. The company has 1 lawyers registered with the Norwegian Supervisory Council For Legal Practice. On Advokatguiden Ivar Sigbjørn Johansønn Lindås has 0 reviews and an average score of 0. Last month, this profile had 10 pageviews.

Fjellveien 18 A, 9751 HONNINGSVÅG
1 most popular in Honningsvåg
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Legal assistant Gunnar Olsen

Gunnar Olsen is a legal assistant in Bergen and works for Rettshjelper Cand jur. Gunnar Olsen. The company has 1 lawyers registered with the Norwegian Supervisory Council For Legal Practice. On Advokatguiden Gunnar Olsen has 0 reviews and an average score of 0. Last month, this profile had 6 pageviews.

Nøstetorget 5, 5011 BERGEN
363 most popular in Bergen

Gunnar Olsen is a legal assistant in Bergen and works for Rettshjelper Cand jur. Gunnar Olsen. The company has 1 lawyers registered with the Norwegian Supervisory Council For Legal Practice. On Advokatguiden Gunnar Olsen has 0 reviews and an average score of 0. Last month, this profile had 6 pageviews.

Nøstetorget 5, 5011 BERGEN
363 most popular in Bergen
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Legal assistant Hanne Iren Akselsen

Hanne Iren Akselsen is a legal assistant in Oslo and works for, Akselsen. The company has 1 lawyers registered with the Norwegian Supervisory Council For Legal Practice. On Advokatguiden Hanne Iren Akselsen has 0 reviews and an average score of 0. Last month, this profile had 12 pageviews.

Cort Adelers gate 16, 0254 OSLO
762 most popular in Oslo

Hanne Iren Akselsen is a legal assistant in Oslo and works for, Akselsen. The company has 1 lawyers registered with the Norwegian Supervisory Council For Legal Practice. On Advokatguiden Hanne Iren Akselsen has 0 reviews and an average score of 0. Last month, this profile had 12 pageviews.

Cort Adelers gate 16, 0254 OSLO
762 most popular in Oslo
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Legal assistant Linda Therese Evjen

Linda Therese Evjen is a legal assistant in Kongsberg and works for Rettshjelper Evjens juridiske råd og veiledning. The company has 1 lawyers registered with the Norwegian Supervisory Council For Legal Practice. On Advokatguiden Linda Therese Evjen has 0 reviews and an average score of 0. Last month, this profile had 4 pageviews.

Sandsværveien 222B, 3615 KONGSBERG
17 most popular in Kongsberg

Linda Therese Evjen is a legal assistant in Kongsberg and works for Rettshjelper Evjens juridiske råd og veiledning. The company has 1 lawyers registered with the Norwegian Supervisory Council For Legal Practice. On Advokatguiden Linda Therese Evjen has 0 reviews and an average score of 0. Last month, this profile had 4 pageviews.

Sandsværveien 222B, 3615 KONGSBERG
17 most popular in Kongsberg
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Legal assistant Anette Marina Fagerland

Anette Marina Fagerland is a legal assistant in Porsgrunn and works for Rettshjelp1 v. Fagerland. The company has 1 lawyers registered with the Norwegian Supervisory Council For Legal Practice. On Advokatguiden Anette Marina Fagerland has 0 reviews and an average score of 0. Last month, this profile had 8 pageviews.

Fogtegata 7, 3936 PORSGRUNN
16 most popular in Porsgrunn

Anette Marina Fagerland is a legal assistant in Porsgrunn and works for Rettshjelp1 v. Fagerland. The company has 1 lawyers registered with the Norwegian Supervisory Council For Legal Practice. On Advokatguiden Anette Marina Fagerland has 0 reviews and an average score of 0. Last month, this profile had 8 pageviews.

Fogtegata 7, 3936 PORSGRUNN
16 most popular in Porsgrunn
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Legal assistant Ina Dølerud

Ina Dølerud is a legal assistant in Tjodalyng and works for Rettshjelp for brukere av NAV AS. The company has 1 lawyers registered with the Norwegian Supervisory Council For Legal Practice. On Advokatguiden Ina Dølerud has 0 reviews and an average score of 0. Last month, this profile had 10 pageviews.

Husebyløkka 33, 3280 TJODALYNG
1 most popular in Tjodalyng

Ina Dølerud is a legal assistant in Tjodalyng and works for Rettshjelp for brukere av NAV AS. The company has 1 lawyers registered with the Norwegian Supervisory Council For Legal Practice. On Advokatguiden Ina Dølerud has 0 reviews and an average score of 0. Last month, this profile had 10 pageviews.

Husebyløkka 33, 3280 TJODALYNG
1 most popular in Tjodalyng
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Legal assistant Awin Azizi

Awin Azizi is a legal assistant in Kløfta and works for Rettshjelper Azizi AS. The company has 1 lawyers registered with the Norwegian Supervisory Council For Legal Practice. On Advokatguiden Awin Azizi has 0 reviews and an average score of 0. Last month, this profile had 4 pageviews.

Petter Korsets veg 4 E, 2040 KLØFTA
6 most popular in Kløfta

Awin Azizi is a legal assistant in Kløfta and works for Rettshjelper Azizi AS. The company has 1 lawyers registered with the Norwegian Supervisory Council For Legal Practice. On Advokatguiden Awin Azizi has 0 reviews and an average score of 0. Last month, this profile had 4 pageviews.

Petter Korsets veg 4 E, 2040 KLØFTA
6 most popular in Kløfta
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Legal assistant Siv Lise Bedringaas

Siv Lise Bedringaas is a legal assistant in Brønnøysund and works for Rettshjelp Jussnett DA. The company has 2 lawyers registered with the Norwegian Supervisory Council For Legal Practice. On Advokatguiden Siv Lise Bedringaas has 0 reviews and an average score of 0. Last month, this profile had 8 pageviews.

Sira Erlends vei 37, 8906 BRØNNØYSUND
4 most popular in Brønnøysund

Siv Lise Bedringaas is a legal assistant in Brønnøysund and works for Rettshjelp Jussnett DA. The company has 2 lawyers registered with the Norwegian Supervisory Council For Legal Practice. On Advokatguiden Siv Lise Bedringaas has 0 reviews and an average score of 0. Last month, this profile had 8 pageviews.

Sira Erlends vei 37, 8906 BRØNNØYSUND
4 most popular in Brønnøysund
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Legal assistant Stig Arvid Schjølberg

Stig Arvid Schjølberg is a legal assistant in Brønnøysund and works for Rettshjelp Jussnett DA. The company has 2 lawyers registered with the Norwegian Supervisory Council For Legal Practice. On Advokatguiden Stig Arvid Schjølberg has 0 reviews and an average score of 0. Last month, this profile had 8 pageviews.

Sira Erlends vei 37, 8906 BRØNNØYSUND
5 most popular in Brønnøysund

Stig Arvid Schjølberg is a legal assistant in Brønnøysund and works for Rettshjelp Jussnett DA. The company has 2 lawyers registered with the Norwegian Supervisory Council For Legal Practice. On Advokatguiden Stig Arvid Schjølberg has 0 reviews and an average score of 0. Last month, this profile had 8 pageviews.

Sira Erlends vei 37, 8906 BRØNNØYSUND
5 most popular in Brønnøysund
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Legal assistant Lene Harling Nilsen

Lene Harling Nilsen is a legal assistant in Oslo and works for Rettshjelper Anbudsjuristen AS. The company has 2 lawyers registered with the Norwegian Supervisory Council For Legal Practice. On Advokatguiden Lene Harling Nilsen has 0 reviews and an average score of 0. Last month, this profile had 4 pageviews.

C. J. Hambros plass 2C, 0164 OSLO
3478 most popular in Oslo

Lene Harling Nilsen is a legal assistant in Oslo and works for Rettshjelper Anbudsjuristen AS. The company has 2 lawyers registered with the Norwegian Supervisory Council For Legal Practice. On Advokatguiden Lene Harling Nilsen has 0 reviews and an average score of 0. Last month, this profile had 4 pageviews.

C. J. Hambros plass 2C, 0164 OSLO
3478 most popular in Oslo
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Legal assistant Grete Victoria Tvenning

Grete Victoria Tvenning is a legal assistant in Oslo and works for Rettshjelper G. Tvenning. The company has 1 lawyers registered with the Norwegian Supervisory Council For Legal Practice. On Advokatguiden Grete Victoria Tvenning has 0 reviews and an average score of 0. Last month, this profile had 2 pageviews.

4804 most popular in Oslo

Grete Victoria Tvenning is a legal assistant in Oslo and works for Rettshjelper G. Tvenning. The company has 1 lawyers registered with the Norwegian Supervisory Council For Legal Practice. On Advokatguiden Grete Victoria Tvenning has 0 reviews and an average score of 0. Last month, this profile had 2 pageviews.

4804 most popular in Oslo
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Marie Frøystad Voldsund is a legal assistant in Fosnavåg and works for Rettshjelper Marie Voldsund. The company has 1 lawyers registered with the Norwegian Supervisory Council For Legal Practice. On Advokatguiden Marie Frøystad Voldsund has 0 reviews and an average score of 0. Last month, this profile had 3 pageviews.

1 most popular in Fosnavåg
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Legal assistant Simen Gangstø

Simen Gangstø is a legal assistant in Fauske and works for Rettshjelp AS. The company has 1 lawyers registered with the Norwegian Supervisory Council For Legal Practice. On Advokatguiden Simen Gangstø has 0 reviews and an average score of 0. Last month, this profile had 10 pageviews.

4 most popular in Fauske

Simen Gangstø is a legal assistant in Fauske and works for Rettshjelp AS. The company has 1 lawyers registered with the Norwegian Supervisory Council For Legal Practice. On Advokatguiden Simen Gangstø has 0 reviews and an average score of 0. Last month, this profile had 10 pageviews.

4 most popular in Fauske
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Trudvangveien 67, 3117 Tønsberg
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Trenger du advokat som jobber med rettshjelp? er en komplett oversikt over alle norske advokater, advokatfullmektiger og rettshjelpere. Vi har over 10.000 registrerte profiler, komplett med informasjon om navn, tittel, firma, telefon, e-post, adresse og mer. På denne siden finner du informasjon om registrerte advokater som jobber med rettshjelp. Vi hjelper deg å finne en advokat som passer dine behov ved å sammenligne tusenvis av profiler. Du kan lese anmeldelser fra andre kunder og dele dine egne erfaringer. Du kan også filtrere søkeresultatet for rettshjelp basert på avstand, vurderinger og pris.